
Protection order tops misdemeanor violations

It isn't assault charges, drug cases nor DUI offenses that topped the list of most reported misdemeanors in Montezuma County. It's protection order violations.

An annual statistical report from the Colorado Judicial Branch reveals that 122 protection order violations occurred in the county for fiscal year 2013. The figure accounts for more than 18 percent of all misdemeanor crimes reported.

District Attorney Will Furse said that protection orders are included in nearly every criminal case, including all domestic violence cases. Although defendants are required to obey those orders, Furse said the court mandates are often ignored as people try to reconcile differences.

The latest protection order violation occurred on Sunday.

According to Montezuma County Sheriff Dennis Spruell, a deputy was called to a residence on Highway 145, where a man reportedly punched a woman in the face and dragged her across the ground. The male reportedly had a pending protection order against him, and will face additional charges.

During the fiscal year, reports indicate a total of 657 misdemeanors cases were filed in Montezuma County.

Second on the list for all reported misdemeanors, at nearly 14 percent, were 91 cases of domestic violence.

Following protection order violations and domestic violence, rounding out the top five misdemeanors violations were 76 drug cases, 57 bail violations and 46 public peace and order citations.

Nov 19, 2013
D.A. supports increased parole spending