
Proposed path will impact private lands

Our property west of Mancos is within the four-mile band along U.S. Highway 160 as mentioned in the article about the proposed Paths to Mesa Verde (Journal, Sept. 24).

When we purchased our property in the Mancos Valley we purposely selected someplace where we would have little or no automobile, foot or other traffic. Like other land owners that are south of the highway between Mancos and Mesa Verde, we enjoy our solitude, and most if not all of us have animals that run free.

It would be a problem should we now have a large contingent of people on bicycles going by our property. Unlike Phil’s World, which is in a closed area, a trail from Mancos to Mesa Verde that would be aligned south of U.S. 160 would have to go through private property unless it was built along the strip of property that runs right along US 160.

Maybe if ex-Republican County Commissioner Keenan Ertel, or ex-Republican County Commissioner Larry Don Sukla lived in our area they wouldn’t be so ready to have it run through their front yard.

Maybe they no longer understand the rights of the people to be secure in their property as afforded in the Constitution. You can be assured that I will be more than happy to put together a group of land owners that have the same feelings as my wife and I.

Dick Simmons


Nov 29, 2016
Montezuma County agrees to adopt historic Bedrock bridge