‘Proposed change to downtown is madness’

I can only agree that the proposed change to downtown Durango is madness. The whole bump-out concept was a necessary evil, to keep restaurants open through the pandemic.

To keep throwing out the variety of temporary patio designs at the expense of the used-to-be-normal traffic flow is a vestige of a bad time in history. Just put things back the way they were.

Without the clutter of curbside dining, there would be ample walking room on the sidewalks, improved parking conditions for more tourists, shoppers, business patrons and, yes, even bicyclists. Tourists come here to see historic Durango.

Necking down the inevitable asphalt for vehicle use is not based on reality, but a pie-in-the-sky vision of the current city planners. Do you really want to endanger those drivers and delivery people to project your auto-free fantasy on the rest of us? Please, wake up.

E .J. Craig
