President’s virus lies are flabbergasting

Most of us have a filter often referred to as our conscience that determines what we do, say, and how we behave. It dictates how we treat others and whether or not we lead our lives with integrity.

Most of us would be bothered if we said something we knew was not true, but our president of all people seems to not be bothered in the least by saying one thing after another that he knows is false.

President Trump said the coronavirus was a hoax and overblown. Then, after its seriousness became apparent, President Trump quickly said he knew from the beginning it was a pandemic.

Trump recently falsely said The Food and Drug Administration had approved chloroquine phosphate as a treatment for the virus. A couple in Phoenix self administered a form of the drug resulting in the man’s death and the lady being in critical condition.

I have often wondered why our president lies so frequently. Does he not have the internal filter or conscience that tells him it is wrong, is he so messed up that he actually believes his lies, or what is the reason? It is mind boggling that his supporters seem to care little about having a president with no integrity.

Hopefully our country has not evolved into a place where from now on such behavior will be acceptable.

David Thomas RyanMontrose