
Prescribed pile burns in Dolores and Montezuma counties

The Bureau of Land Management Southwest District plans to burn slash piles on public lands managed by the BLM Tres Rios Field Office beginning Feb. 27 if conditions allow, according to a news release from spokeswoman Deana Harms.

The BLM Southwest District provides fire and fuels management for the Yellow Jacket/McElmo project area, located on land within Canyons of the Ancients National Monument. The site runs north and south of Montezuma County Road G in Montezuma County, Colorado. Firefighters plan to resume burning at the Dawson project area located in Disappointment Valley 12 miles east of Egnar, Colorado in Dolores County.

The prescribed pile burns may take multiple days to complete and will be monitored throughout the process to ensure public safety. While smoke may be visible in the area at times, most of the smoke will lift and dissipate during the warmest parts of the day.

For information on prescribed burns, visit the Southwest District BLM Prescribed Fire InciWeb page or follow us on Twitter and Facebook