
Prescribed fires planned for West Dolores Rim near Dove Creek

Prescribed fires help maintain vegetation to prevent wildfire. Courtesy of Brad Pietruszka
The burn area is located 7 miles east of Dove Creek

The Bureau of Land Management plans to conduct prescribed fires this fall east of Dove Creek on the West Dolores Rim, according to the Tres Rios field office.

A news release from BLM said firefighters will “reintroduce fire to a fire-adapted ecosystem in a controlled manner to protect Ponderosa pine stands, enhance wildlife habitat, restore healthy forests and species diversity and maintain a fire-resilient landscape.”

The project area is on the West Dolores Rim, also known as the East and North Pines, about 7 miles northeast of Dove Creek. Firefighters will use hand ignitions and unmanned aircraft system on 1,200 acres of pine needles and leaf litter.

“Reintroducing low-intensity fire on West Dolores Rim will clear brush and needle case that can prevent new plant growth, as well as decrease the likelihood of a large, severe wildfire,” acting Fire Management Specialist Tyler Corbin said.

Prescribed fires are done seasonally when weather permits, to help improve vegetation and habitat for local animals, increase plant diversity and reduces dead or an overabundance of vegetation that can lead to wildfires if not properly maintained.

“The projects are part of BLM’s ongoing commitment to protect human health and safety while maintaining or enhancing forest and woodland health and functionality,” the news release said.

They also noted that they obtained smoke permits from the Colorado State Air Pollution Control Division, an organization that helps identify conditions where prescribed burns can be implemented in a safe manner.

More information on the Southwest prescribed fuel treatments can be found at their website