
Prescribed burns planned for the Dolores Ranger District

The Journal

San Juan National Forest Dolores Ranger District will conduct several prescribed burns starting in April. Burning operations depend on favorable weather and fuel conditions and could continue during summer and fall.

Hand and aerial ignition methods may be utilized, following the weather, fuel and smoke parameters stated in the prescribed fire plan. Burning operations will be conducted by U.S. Forest Service personnel assisted by fire resources from cooperating agencies.

Project areas identified for burn implementation are:

Haycamp Mesa: 5,131 acres 10 miles east of Dolores along Haycamp Mesa Road, NFSR 556.

Boggy Draw: 5,041 acres 3 to 15 miles northeast of Dolores, along the Dolores-Norwood Road near Little Bean Canyon, Boggy Draw Road, NFSR 527, and Cottonwood Canyon Road, NFSR 532.

Salter: 3,904 acres 7 to 15 miles east of Cahone, near Salter Y and Ormiston Point Road, NFSR 521.

During burning operations, smoke may be visible around Mancos, Dolores, Dove Creek, Cortez and U.S. Highway 491 between Dove Creek and Pleasant View. Smoke may settle into low lying valleys and the Dolores River Canyon overnight. Smoke monitoring will be conducted and ignitions will be scheduled to minimize smoke impacts to communities. Prescribed fire smoke may affect health. For more information, visit

For more information, visit, email or call 882-6834.