
Police Blotter

Saturday, Nov. 4

12:50 a.m.: A man was arrested in the 500 block of West Main St. on suspicion of DUI after he was pulled over for weaving.

Tuesday, Nov. 7

2:01 p.m.: Police responded to a report of theft at First National Bank, 2258 E. Main St. A man claimed a lawnmower, valued at $480, and a leaf blower had been stolen from his vehicle while he was in the bank the previous day. The case remains under investigation.

5:20 p.m.: A man was arrested in the 100 block of North Mildred Road on suspicion of being intoxicated in a roadway. He was medically cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital due to severe intoxication.

Wednesday, Nov. 8

1:08 a.m.: A man was arrested outside West Slope Liquors, 2217 E. Main St., on suspicion of DUI and failure to present proof of insurance after a drive-thru employee reported he was trying to buy alcohol and appeared to be intoxicated. He was medically cleared at Southwest Memorial Hospital.

Nov 22, 2017
Driver arrested after brief police pursuit in Cortez