Police blotter

Thursday, Dec. 19

4:31 p.m. A woman who had been banned from Walmart, 1835 East Main St., told police she needed the store’s money services. She was cited with trespassing and told to leave.

7:09 p.m. A man was arrested at Love’s Travel Stop, 7006 U.S. Highway 160/491, on suspicion of violating an order restraining him from contacting his passenger, a woman. He was jailed at Montezuma County Detention Center.

Friday, Dec. 20

9:51 a.m. A woman turned herself into police at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., on a warrant.

12:02 p.m. A woman who was given a never-expiring trespass from Walmart, 1835 E. Main St., was located in the toy section and asked to leave. She was cited with trespassing.

3:29 p.m. A woman was arrested on a warrant near West Seventh and Cedar streets and charged for driving with a revoked license. The man in the vehicle falsely identified himself as the brother of a wanted man, and left the scene. Police later realized that he had misled them, and requested a warrant for his arrest.

5:08 p.m. A woman wanted on a warrant turned herself in at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

6:07 p.m. A Safeway employee reported that a man was sleeping near the picnic table on the west side of the Safeway building, 1580 E. Main St. When an officer arrived, he discovered a man who matched the description walking away and arrested him on two warrants.

7:25 p.m. A man suspected of speeding on the 1300 block of East Main Street failed roadside tests and was found to have a BRAC of 0.107 at the scene, and 0.123 at the police station. A can of Michelob Ultra was in a cup holder. He was charged with DUI, speeding and failure to provide proof of insurance before being picked up by a sober driver. His female passenger also appeared to be intoxicated.

7:34 p.m. A man turned himself in to police at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll, on a warrant. He was served a summons and a never-expiring trespass from Big R, 1319 E. Main St.

11:15 p.m. After pulling over a speeding vehicle, an officer contacted two underage individuals near the intersection of San Juan Drive and Broadway. An open Twisted Tea container was in the center cup holder, and the two appeared intoxicated. The female was charged with underage possession of alcohol and taken home. The male failed to complete roadside maneuvers satisfactorily and was charged with underage possession of alcohol, illegal possession of marijuana by an underage person and open alcohol container in a motor vehicle. More open alcohol was found inside the vehicle.

Saturday, Dec. 21

10:24 p.m. Police were led on a high-speed chase by a man who reached speeds of 100 mph on Colorado Highway 145. Before reaching Colorado 145, the suspect allegedly ran multiple stop signs and a red light and illegally passed a car on the left side in Cortez city limits. Police ended the chase after eight minutes, and the vehicle was found abandoned in Dolores later. Tin foil with suspected fentanyl, other drug paraphernalia and suspected controlled substances were found in the car.

Sunday, Dec. 22

12:40 p.m. A man was arrested near the 800 block of East Main Street on a warrant. He was found to have a small amount of marijuana on his person.

2:57 p.m. A man was arrested on a warrant near 600 S. Oak St.

10:11 p.m. A woman with an expired license plate was stopped near the 7000 block of Road 25. She did not provide proof of insurance or a valid Colorado driver’s license, had four arrest warrants and a warrant from Cortez Municipal Court. A syringe and tooter straw were found in the vehicle. She was taken to Montezuma County Detention Center, where she was served her warrants and cited with driving without a valid license, failing to present proof of insurance and displaying expired registration.

Monday, Dec. 23

10:55 a.m. A man was arrested on a warrant in front of Front Row Seat, 610 E. Main St., where he is trespassed.

11:58 a.m. Several people were contacted near the west entrance of City Market, 508 E. Main St., for consuming alcohol in public. Two were arrested and taken to the ER. One was cited with violating an order preventing him from possessing or consuming alcohol. The other was cited with violating bond conditions that prevented him from possessing and consuming alcohol. They were medically cleared at the hospital and taken to the Montezuma County Detention Center.

6:24 p.m. An officer responded to Happy Valley Trailer Park, 203 E. Seventh Street, for an active fight. A man named told police that he and his sister’s boyfriend were fighting “about the kids.” Police arrested him for violating a trespass notice at the residence and for a municipal warrant.

10:38 p.m. Police responded to Sleeping Ute Apartments, 516 S. Madison St., for a reported disturbance. Police arrested a man who was attempting to hide from officers in his truck. When officers successfully got the man out of the vehicle, they found multiple firearms in the truck. After being cleared at the ER, he was booked on the charges of third-degree assault, domestic violence, resisting arrest and prohibited use of weapons.

11:03 p.m. A man was arrested on suspicion of disturbing the peace and resisting arrest after declining treatment and attempting to leave the ambulance bay at the Southwest Memorial Hospital ER, 1311 N. Mildred Road. He had been taken to the hospital after a report of a fight, and had been found unconscious at 621 N. Elm St., No. 35. He was taken to the Montezuma County Detention Center.

Tuesday, Dec. 24

9:26 a.m. A man was arrested on a warrant at the Piñon Project, 210 E. Main St. He had refused to leave until police arrested him.

11:56 a.m. A woman was served with a warrant at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

12:31 p.m. An officer pulled over a vehicle that turned into the Walgreen’s parking lot, 1671 E. Main St., after a child was seen opening the door while the vehicle was moving. The car slammed on the brakes soon after, nearly causing a collision. The driver told police he knew he had arrest warrants. After a valid driver arrived, he was arrested on two warrants and given a warning about the traffic offenses.

4:16 p.m. Police arrested a man at Liquid Assets, 718 E. Main St., on a Cortez Municipal Court warrant. After being medically cleared at the ER, he was taken to the Montezuma County Detention Center.