Police Blotter

Wednesday, Oct. 27

9:11 p.m. Two officers observed a man wanted on two outstanding warrants – one for burglary and one for possession of a controlled substance – exit his brother’s car at a gas station on East Main Street and Mildred Road. While the officers spoke with dispatch to confirm his warrants, the man and his brother left the parking lot. The officers followed them and observed the vehicle stop well beyond the designated stopping point at the intersection of Madison and Fourth streets. As the officers attempted a traffic stop, the driver pulled up the entrance of the Happy Valley Trailer park, and the passenger, the wanted man, took off running into the park. The officers were unable to locate him, but were able to retrieve his back pack and a homemade glass pipe from his brother’s vehicle.

Thursday, Oct. 28

11:47 a.m. An officer responded to reports of three men in the Montezuma Park restrooms. Upon arrival, the officer unlocked the restroom doors and saw a man he knew from previous encounters sitting on the floor with two other men. The man he knew had a knife in his hand, a pen, and some other things typically used as drug paraphernalia. Dispatch told the officer that the man had two warrants for his arrest, and a mandatory protection order prohibiting him from possessing weapons, alcoholic beverages, or controlled substances. The wanted man admitted to smoking marijuana and was taken to the Montezuma County Detention Center, where his warrants were served.

7:36 p.m. An officer responded to reports of a vehicle break-in that occurred Sunday, Oct. 24 in the south 400 block of Market Street. The owners of the vehicle had surveillance video evidence, which showed two men entering their car and taking two items worth a total of $100. There are no leads or suspects.

Friday, Oct 29

7:01 a.m. A man reported that his phone was stolen from his place of work in the 400 block of North State Street. The employee’s manager was using the Find My iPhone app to track the phone to Walmart. The employee’s manager called the missing phone, and the officer heard it ringing from the inside of an EcoATM, a machine that trades phones for cash. The EcoATM support team was able to remotely open the machine so that the officer could retrieve the phone. The team also provided a photo ID and security snapshots of the man who deposited the phone.The owner of the phone told the officer he wanted to press charges, and the officer attempted to attain a warrant for the apparent thief’s arrest. The owner’s manager returned the stolen phone to him.

5:32 p.m. An officer responded to the 500 block of North State Street after a married couple reported that someone stole several items from their storage unit. The couple named two possible suspects, but there was no evidence to support their accusations. There are no suspects or leads.

7:19 p.m. A woman reported that a man was trespassing on her property in the 1100 block of Willow Street. The officer caught up with the man at his residence. The man stated that he was not technically trespassing, and refused to sign the court summons the officer issued. The officer left the summons in the front room of the man’s house, and the man crumpled it and threw it away.

Saturday, Oct. 30

12:33 a.m. An officer responded when a hospital requested a courtesy ride for a man who earlier in the day had reportedly violated a restraining order. The woman who reported this violation said that the man had met her at her vehicle outside the Walmart and had followed her down the road in another vehicle. The officer brought to the man to the Montezuma County Jail and issued him a court summons for violating his restraining order. The officer later found out that the restraining order was never served, and asked the DA’s office to dismiss the charges.

3:43 p.m. Three officers, a sergeant, and a detective responded to a business alarm in the lower 100 block of East Main Street. The officer’s observed an open window with the screen pulled out by the back door of the building. The officer’s later saw legal documents in the street, which were not there moments before. One officer suspected that he saw someone on the roof. On the roof, the officers found footprints. The officers also observed fresh tire marks outside the building. The detective scanned the inside of the building for fingerprints. There are no usable leads or suspects.

9:52 p.m. An officer performed a traffic stop after a truck with no license plates drove past him through the intersection of Chestnut and Main Street. The driver of the vehicle claimed that he had just bought the vehicle and was taking it home. Dispatch confirmed that the driver had felony warrants for burglary and criminal mischief, and a protection order prohibiting him from possessing or consuming alcoholic beverages. The man was taken to Montezuma County Jail. Later in the day, the man began complaining that he was losing his vision and could not breathe. He admitted to doing cocaine and taking a red and blue pill. Although his vitals were normal, he was transported to the hospital. After being treated, he was released and taken to the jail again.

Monday, Nov. 1

11:52 a.m. An officer responded to an apartment complex in the 500 block of Madison Street after a woman reported that a man broke her living room window. The woman claimed that she was busy in a virtual meeting when the man was outside the apartment asking to use a phone to call his friends. The man began banging on the window. The woman told the man to go to the living room window, where she tossed the phone through it. She reported that the man then punched the window out. The woman provided a description of the man but could not tell the officer which direction he went after the incident. Dispatch confirmed that there was a restraining order prohibiting the man from contacting the woman. The officer was unable to contact the man, and there are no leads on his location.

1:41 p.m. An officer responded to a grocery store in the 500 block of East Main Street after a couple of employees reported assault and trespassing. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with the apparent victim, who told him that a man who was trespassed from the grocery store in April, approached him, yelled at him, and hit him in the chest while holding some papers in his hand. The apparent victim told the officer that he only wanted to press charges for trespassing. The officer contacted the apparent trespasser, located across the street, and issued him a summons for third-degree trespassing.

4:59 p.m. A officer responded to a hotel in the 2200 block of Hawkins Street after an employee reported that a vehicle had been parked in the hotel lot for several weeks. The officer confirmed through dispatch that the vehicle was stolen from La Plata county on Sept. 13. The vehicle was later returned to the owner, who after observing no damage or stolen items, decided not to press charges.

10:06 p.m. An officer responded when a man reported that he was assaulted from the 1800 block of East Main Street. The man had a small gash on the back of his head with dried blood. He claimed he was jumped in a park about two days ago. The officer decided that his report of assault was unfounded. Dispatch advised the officer that the man had been trespassed from Walmart, and had active warrants. The man was taken into custody, taken to the hospital for medical clearance, then jailed at the Montezuma County Detention Center.

Tuesday, Nov. 2

10:37 a.m. Officers and a sergeant responded after someone reported a possible break-in in the 500 block of West Fourth Street. Upon arrival, the officer noticed a man matching the report’s description entering a house from the east side door. The officer knocked on the door and received no response. A woman arrived and told officers that the house belonged to her son, and the man in the house was her nephew. She entered the house and retrieved her nephew, who told officers that he had just cut through the neighbor’s backyard to use his aunt’s Wi-Fi. Cortez dispatch confirmed that the man had two La Plata County warrants. The officer served these warrants and left the man in the custody of jail personnel.

2:11 p.m. Officers responded to the 900 block of Balsam Street after a woman reported that she was hiding in her bathroom because her off-and-on boyfriend had broken into her house. The man claimed that he entered the house through the back-door window after the woman took his phone from his car and locked herself in the house. The woman reportedly opened the back door and began yelling that the man was not allowed there. Officers attempted to contact the woman with no success. They were able to confirm that the man’s cellphone was inside the house. Dispatch confirmed that the woman had an active warrant. Sergeants arrived on the scene and forcefully entered the home. The woman was arrested and taken to the Montezuma County jail where she was later issued summons for harassment, criminal invasion of privacy, and domestic violence. Officers were able to obtain a search warrant for the man’s phone, which was later returned to him.

Wednesday, Nov. 3

10:32 a.m. A sergeant responded to the Walmart in the 1800 block of East Main Street after a woman reported a bomb threat. The reporting woman told the sergeant that another woman had called her and told her that she had a bomb in her car in the parking lot. The reporting woman told the sergeant that this had happened before a couple of months ago. The sergeant used caller ID to identify the woman who made the threats. Several officers and Walmart employees searched the parking lot for vehicles associated with the identified suspect but nothing was found. Later, the sergeant called the phone number and the woman picked up. The sergeant asked her a couple of questions to which she kept responding with profanities and insults. A detective told the sergeant that he had a rapport with the woman and attempted to contact her. The woman called the detective back and admitted to calling in bomb threats. The sergeant requested a warrant for her arrest.

4:13 p.m. An officer responded to the Montezuma County Combined Courts on 865 N. Park St. to serve a warrant to a man who was in custody. After the officer served the warrant, the man was left in custody of the jail staff.

5:33 p.m. An officer responded to the Montezuma County Detention Center on 730 E. Driscoll St. after a man turned himself in on a warrant. The officer served the man with the warrant, and left him in the custody of the jail staff.

Thursday, Nov. 4

2:42 p.m. An officer contacted a man he knew had a warrant in the lower 100 block of North Beech Street. After handcuffing and searching him, the officer found methamphetamine, syringes and a glass pipe. The man then refused to get into the patrol car. The officer told the man he would tase him, and the man complied. The man was transported to the Montezuma County jail and issues summons for unlawful possession of a controlled substance.

2:47 p.m. An officer responded after someone reported that a man had been shoplifting from a grocery store on the 500 block of Main Street. The officer contacted the man, who said he was just buying groceries for his granddaughter. The loss-prevention employee for the store told the officer that he stopped the man after he walked out of the store with beer and Cheetos. The man was issued a summons for shoplifting.

9:36 p.m. Officers and a sergeant responded to reports of a fight in the 600 block of Wyoming Street. When they arrived, they separated a group of five yelling at each other. The officers spoke to each party and determined that the fight was over neighborly matters. One woman was issued a summons for disturbing the peace.

Friday, Nov. 5

2:19 a.m. An officer performed a traffic stop after she witnessed a vehicle speeding in the 1600 block of East Main Street. Dispatch confirmed that the woman had an extradition warrant for her arrest out of Garfield County. The woman was arrested, served her warrant and issued a summons for failure to appear and speeding.

7:05 a.m. An officer arrived to the 1800 block of Main Street to assist another officer who was in contact with a man who had a warrant for his arrest. The officer took him to the the Montezuma County Detention Center and served him with his warrant.

Saturday, Nov. 6

1:21 a.m. An officer responded to the 800 block of South Broadway after a woman reported that her daughter was being harassed. In addition to accusations of assault, the woman told the officer that the girl who assaulted her daughter committed a drive-by shooting earlier that day. She told the officer that her daughter would come into the station and make a formal statement the next day.

11:40 a.m. An officer responded to a liquor store on the 700 block of East Main Street after a employee reported that a man stole a two bottles from the store. The employee states that she chased the man with a bat after he told her to give him the money from the cash register. Once outside the store, the man dropped one of the bottles, and a neighboring business owner took the other out of his hand. Surveillance confirmed the employee’s story. There are no leads or suspects.

2:52 p.m. An officer responded to a gas station in the 900 block of East Main Street after an employee reported a woman shoplifting. When the officer arrived, the apparent suspect told him that she had already given the items back. The employee told the officer that she wanted the woman to be charged and trespassed from the property. The officer issued her a summons for shoplifting and trespassed her from the property.

10:39 p.m. An officer responded to the 600 block of East Third Street after reports of a man lying under a bike in someone’s yard. Upon arrival, a husband told the officer that he had assaulted the man because he thought he was chasing his wife. The wife confirmed that the man was saying sexual things toward her and chasing her. Both the man and the husband refused medical care. The man was taken to the Montezuma County jail and issued a summons for menacing, harassment and disorderly conduct.

Sunday, Nov. 7

2:14 a.m. An officer responded to a gas station in the 900 block of East Main Street after receiving reports of trespassing. Upon arrival he recognized the accused male and informed him that he was banned from the establishment. The man started insulting and cussing at the officer. The officer thought the man seemed very intoxicated. Dispatch confirmed that the man was banned from the gas station and that he had a protection order prohibiting him from possessing or consuming alcohol. The man fought with officers as they placed him in the patrol car. He was then taken to the hospital where he refused medical care. He was later taken to the Montezuma County Detention Center and booked in for a protection order violation, harassment, third degree trespass and disorderly conduct.

7:57 a.m. An officer responded to the 100 block of West Coronado Avenue after a man reported that someone had stolen his vehicle some time the previous night. The man told the officer that his ID, credit cards and several tools and plumbing equipment were left in the vehicle. The officer entered the vehicle as stolen into the system. There are no leads or suspects.

11:34 a.m. An officer responded to the 1300 block of Jackson Street after a woman reported that speakers were stolen out of her son’s car. The officer confirmed the speakers to be missing. There are no leads or suspects.

3:52 p.m. An officer responded to the Walmart in the 1800 block of East Main Street after an employee requested that a woman be trespassed from the store. The employee told the officer that the woman had tried to take two cold medicine bottles. The officer was able to identify the woman, who was previously trespassed from the Walmart, and had a warrant out for her arrest. The woman was jailed in the Montezuma County Detention Center and issued court summons.

8:01 p.m. An officer responded to a gas station in the 900 block of East Main Street to reports of a man refusing to leave the gas station. Upon arrival, the officer observed that the man seemed very intoxicated. Dispatch confirmed that the man had a protection order prohibiting him from possessing or consuming alcohol. The officer took the man to the hospital for medical clearance, and then to the Montezuma County Detentioon Center, where he was jailed and issued a court summons.

Monday, Nov. 8

10:59 p.m. An officer responded to reports of theft at a SCRAM monitoring center in the lower 100 block of North Madison Street. An employee for the center told the officer that two men did not show up for their appointments, and she has not been able to contact them. Both men were issued SCRAM bracelets, costing $1400 each, which had not been returned. The officer is seeking a warrant for the two men for theft of the SCRAM bracelets.

1:25 p.m. An officer responded to the police department lobby after a woman reported that her nephew had committed fraud. The woman stated that she was the book keeper for a christian school in the 500 block West Fourth Street, and that her nephew stole three of the school’s checks. The woman’s bank told her that someone attempted to cash one of the stolen checks. If the officer cannot make contact with the nephew, he will issue a warrant for his arrest.

Tuesday, Nov. 9

5:09 p.m. An officer responded after a man reported that a woman stole $90 from him in the 300 block of South Elm Street. The man told police that his old home health nurse told him that he owed her money and forced him to sign a check. The woman told police that the man did owe her money, since she had payed his phone bill. She also told officers that his memory is impaired due to brain injury. The man then told officers that he did not want to press charges.

5:19 p.m. An officer responded to a reports of shots being fired in the lower 100 block of North Texas Street. Employees from the tire shop nearby provided surveillance of the vehicle that the shots were fired from. The officer was able to identify a vehicle driving by with flashes coming from the windows. No one was hurt during the incident. There are no suspects.

11:54 p.m. An officer responded to fight occurring between four people in a residence in the 500 block of South Madison Street. Three people claimed that they were all defending themselves from a very intoxicated man. The man claimed that he was protecting a woman from two other men. Both parties involved had an infant present during the altercation. The officer planned to forward the report to Social Services.

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