Police Blotter

Friday, Jan. 31

At 11:07 p.m. an officer announced on the radio that he was at the corner of Beech and Main streets, where he had witnessed a fight, and said there was a male running. Another officer responded to the location and saw a male wearing a blue hoodie and jeans. The officer stopped him and noticed he had a bloody nose. The man told the officer he got in a fight with a man who was mad at him for speaking to his girlfriend. The man told the officer he had about three beers, but his balance was so poor the officer thought he was going to fall over. Dispatch advised the officer that the man had a protection order that orders him to not consume alcoholic beverages. The officer arrested him. The man did not want to pursue charges in relation to the altercation. He was charged with obstructing a peace officer and violation of a protection order.

Monday, Feb.3

5:17 p.m. An officer was at a motel on an unrelated call when the motel owner told him there was a female attempting to leave without paying her bill. The officer contacted the female, who gave a false name and said she was only going to the laundry mat and she would be right back. She said she had no intention of leaving without paying for her bill and she even left her belongings in the room. The officer checked the room and found no personal belongings. The owner of the motel advised the woman she could stay longer if she paid what she owed but that she was not allowed to stay in the room until she figured out how to pay her bill. The woman said her son would come by at 7 p.m. to pay the bill. The officer explained that she had until 7:30 p.m. to pay her bill and if she did not she would face charges. The officer told the woman she could wait in the laundry facility or lobby and use the phone to call a friend. The woman said she would wait outside until her son arrived to pay the bill. About 9:30, the owner of the motel called the officer and advised him that the woman had walked off the property and never returned to pay her bill and that he would like to press charges. The officer prepared a Montezuma County court summons for defrauding an Inn Keeper, an unclassified misdemeanor. The officer will be seeking a warrant for the woman’s arrest.

Tuesday, Feb. 4

7:32 a.m. An officer was requested to respond to the Sleeping Ute Apartments for a complaint about trespass. Dispatch advised a female subject was inside the home and her husband was banging on the front door, angry and attempting to enter to retrieve some items. While en route, dispatch advised that the male party had left the apartment on foot and was possibly in the area. The officer arrived at the apartment and contacted the female who said her husband had came over after leaving earlier this morning and was pounding on the front door pleading to let him get his things but she was afraid to let him in because they had been in an argument last night and he was angry. The officer noticed a cut under the woman’s eye about an inch in length and asked the woman how she received it. The woman said, “He hit me.” The woman went on to say that her and her husband were arguing last night about the various different women that her husband brings home. The woman said then her husband started to choke her and when he finally let go he told her, “You had that coming!” The woman said that night he calmed down and they went to bed. She said then this morning she asked her husband to grab her a drink from the fridge but “he flipped out”. The woman said he got on top of her, choked her and slapped her again. The woman’s mother had arrived and told the officer that she received text messages from her daughter saying, “Man, he keeps saying he’s gonna kill me” and “Help now fast quick hurry please.” The officer also spoke with the woman’s son. who said he was trying to protect his mom when his dad had threw his phone toward the bed and it hit him. The officer requested a warrant be issued for the man for 3rd degree assault, child abuse, harassment and domestic violence.