Police Blotter

Wednesday, April 1

11:51 a.m. A woman reported her car was keyed in the 600 block of East Empire St. She believed it occurred between 8 p.m. Tuesday and the next morning. The scratch started at the driver’s side door and encircled the entire car. She reported her son had problems with two individuals, and he named the people and described two verbal altercations with them during the previous two weeks prior. No surveillance video was available.

3:05 p.m. An employee of a fast food restaurant in the 2200 block of East Main Street was reported to have stolen a case of hand sanitizer and was selling it on Facebook. The employee denied taking the sanitizer but had agreed to resign. Photos of the Facebook post were provided to the officer.

3:16 p.m. A man who had two protection orders against possessing firearms contacted the Cortez Police Department to turn in his firearm for safekeeping. The man’s wife delivered the gun to the police station and it was placed in the evidence room.

3:26 p.m. An officer responded to a complaint of a protection order violation in the 400 block of South Chestnut Street. A woman had been served a protection order earlier that day, then went to the home of the man named in the order and demanded her apartment key back. The protection order had been requested after a physical altercation between the two the previous night in which the man was injured. The officer helped him complete a domestic violence case summary and photographed his injuries. The officer was unable to locate the woman, and a warrant was submitted for her arrest.

7:05 p.m. A woman reported a man was destroying her living room. When officers arrived, the woman was standing outside of the residence. The man had been drinking, and the woman did not feel safe with him and wanted him removed. Dispatch confirmed the man had bond conditions preventing him from possessing or consuming alcohol. The woman gave officers permission to enter the house, but the man had left through the back. At 7:40 p.m. the man returned to the residence and the officer questioned him. The officer observed the smell of alcohol on his breath. The man was taken into custody for violating bond conditions and issued a summons.

Thursday, April 2

2:23 a.m. A deputy responded to the jail, where a man wanted to turn himself in on an active warrant. He was taken into custody and served a warrant and summons.

12:36 p.m. A woman was reported to have not paid her taxi fare in the 400 block of South Chestnut Street. The woman told the driver she need to go into the residence to get the fare and then would not come out. A person at the residence said the woman had already left, but another person said she was hiding in a closet. The officer was denied entry to the residence. The officer knocked and requested the woman come out of the house two more times before he was granted access. He found her sitting in a closet. She was issued a summons for theft.

1:02 p.m. A Native American man was reported to have stolen several bottles of liquor from a store in the 400 block of East Main Street. The man had left the location in a gray Ford F-150 with an Arizona license plate. A truck matching that description was located later, and backup was requested. One officer watched the truck while another officer reviewed surveillance footage at the store. The truck appeared to be the same one from the video. As the officer was driving back to where the truck had been located, he saw it leave the area. A woman was driving and had left at a high rate of speed. The officer followed the truck and activated the emergency lights, but was called off the pursuit. The truck was soon spotted at a convenience store and allegedly attempted to run into officers while leaving the area. The woman was observed to be the passenger at that point with a man with tattoos driving. Officers were again instructed not to pursue the truck. The woman involved was contacted and issued a summons for obstruction. None of the men contacted by the police matched the man in the surveillance video.

2:23 p.m. Property damage to a 2014 F-150 was reported in the 1000 block of East Carpenter Street. The rear driver window was shattered and there was a 2-inch hole. There were no suspects.

7:54 p.m. Officers responded to a report of possible shoplifting at Walmart. A man was seen concealing items in his clothes and had entered the restrooms. The officer contacted the man and he admitted to intending to steal the items. The man was charged with shoplifting and trespassing and was advised to leave the property.

9:26 p.m. Officers responded to a verbal disturbance at a trailer in the 200 block of East Seventh Street. An officer reported hearing screams and seeing a woman sitting in front of the door, preventing a man from exiting. A front window was broken and covered in blood. The man’s arms were lacerated. The man inside the trailer gave the officer permission to enter, and paramedics evaluated the man. The man showed signs of intoxication and stated he had tested for COVID-19 that day. He blamed the broken window on another man, with whom he’d had a fight through the window. Another officer contacted the second man, who said the first man broke the window and came at him with a piece of glass. The report was forward to the district attorney’s office for review and possible charges.

Friday, April 3

6:41 p.m. A man previously served with a trespass notice from Walmart reportedly stole a watch and left the store. Surveillance footage recorded the man picking up the watch. Discarded packaging was found, and another officer found the man and arrested him. The watched was found in his possession. The jail refused to accept him because of COVID-19 restrictions, and he was cited with three charges while being evaluated at the hospital.

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