Police Blotter

Monday, Aug. 11

11 p.m. An intoxicated man was reportedly jumping in front of vehicles on West Seventh Street and South Broadway. When asked by an officer what the man was doing, he replied he was just walking and had a hard time maintaining his balance. While speaking to the officer, two closed Budweiser cans fell from his partially opened backpack and landed on the ground. At that point, one of the cans punctured and sprayed all over the officer. The intoxicated man then tried to pick them up and almost fell over. The man was then arrested and issued a summons for intoxicated pedestrian in the roadway.

Tuesday, Aug. 12

11:17 a.m. A man who reportedly had just been released from jail that day, was caught by Wal-mart employees shoplifting women’s underwear, a bra and a package of men’s socks. The man said he asked people for money after he got out of jail earlier, but they wouldn’t give him money. The man was taken back to jail, and the total of his shoplifted items rang up at $23.90.

Wednesday, Aug. 13

12:51 p.m. A man was observed at a local store walking a bicycle out of the store after tearing off the tags and not paying for it. When asked why he would do such a thing, he said his bicycle had been stolen on the previous night and he needed a new one and didn’t have the money to buy one because he had been laid off from his job. The man was issued a summons for shoplifting.

Thursday, Aug. 14

1 p.m. An off-duty sheriff’s deputy from Idaho reported leaving his personally owned gun in the bathroom stall of a local store. When the deputy later realized he left his gun in the stall and went back inside, the gun, which was inside a fanny pack, was gone. Police reviewed the security footage from the store and identified a man carrying the fanny pack out of the bathroom, but did not get a positive identification. The man then appeared to show the fanny pack to a woman, who then put it inside of a purse. The couple then left in a grey quad cab Dodge pickup truck with no visible license plate number. The couple apparently made two transactions, and police are in the process of tracking down the owner of the credit card used in the transaction.

friday, aug. 15

3:16 p.m. After responding to two separate calls about the same man harassing customers near a local grocery store and a video store with his pants down, but no one wanted to press charges, police responded again when the same male started banging on the front of a man’s truck and trying to pick a fight with him while he waited in the pharmacy drive-through. When officers arrived, the man was still yelling at random customers and was using vulgar language. When police asked the man to stand up, his pants fell down. The intoxicated man was arrested for disturbing the peace and transported to the hospital because of his high level of intoxication.