
Police Blotter

Wednesday, May 27

8:16 a.m. A woman reported the theft of her purse and wallet in the 1600 block of East Empire Street. The woman had allowed a woman and her daughter to stay at her house overnight, and the items were missing when she woke.

Unspecified time. A Bushmaster rifle reported missing in 2010 was recovered in the Tacoma, Washington, area in 2018 and sent to the Cortez Police Department. The owner is not allowed to possess firearms and wished to release it to a friend. The firearm was released to the friend.

11:09 p.m. A Savage rifle was reported stolen at Mesa Verde Inn, 640 S. Broadway. The firearm was last seen May 25. There were no suspects. The gun was found the next day in the same room it was reported stolen from.

1:01 p.m. Audio equipment and tools were stolen from a vehicle in the 1300 block of Acoma Street. The vehicle had been left unlocked. No prints were found in the vehicle, and there were no suspects.

3:09 p.m. A vehicle break-in was reported in the 600 block of South Cedar Street. The car had been locked, but the door was found slightly ajar, and a wallet was missing from a purse. A bag with newly purchased items from Bath and Bodyworks were also missing. There were no suspects.

7:25 p.m. A man exposed himself indecently in the 100 block of South Market Street. The man was found wearing only boxer shorts and carrying a pair of pants. He had injuries to his face and appeared to be intoxicated. The man was uncooperative and became combative. He was taken to the hospital for treatment and medical clearance. The man refused to discuss being assaulted. His injuries were documented, and he was taken to the jail.

9:40 p.m. A woman was attacked by her dog at Mesa Verde Inn, 640 S. Broadway. The woman had gotten into an argument with her girlfriend and the dog attacked her, causing multiple injuries to her face and arms. The dog was secured and transported to the animal shelter, and the woman was taken to the hospital for treatment.

Thursday, May 28

9:19 a.m. A hit-and-run occurred in the 600 block of North Ash Street. An unidentified vehicle hit a fence, ran over a no parking sign and damaged a sprinkler system. A neighbor observed a blue car speeding away from the area, but did not see it hit anything.

2:33 p.m. A blue pickup was reported to be driving recklessly on U.S. 160. The vehicle was spotted in the drive-thru lane at Wendy’s, 221 E. Main St. The pickup nearly backed into another vehicle. When an officer attempted to contact the female driver, the vehicle fled, committing multiple traffic violations. The vehicle eventually returned to Wendy’s and the driver became uncooperative and combative when contacted by officers. Containers of alcohol and a marijuana pipe were found in the car. The woman was arrested and cited for DUI, no insurance, resisting arrest, obstructing a peace officer, reckless driving, driving without a valid license and eluding police.

Friday, May 29

8:01 a.m. A man was cited for violating bond conditions, violating a protective order and criminal trespass in the 1400 block of Acoma Street. The man was seen looking into windows in the area, and had been carrying a knife. A woman who had a protective order against him lived in the neighborhood.

12:56 p.m. To men were reported to have shoplifted at Walmart, 1835 E. Main St. An officer spotted the subjects and pulled over their vehicle. The men claimed to have paid for the items, but the officer observed the items in the car still had tags. Both men were cited for shoplifting and were trespassed from Walmart, and the driver was also cited for driving without a valid license.

Saturday, May 30

1:54 p.m. A man and woman who appeared to be intoxicated were cited for third-degree criminal trespass at Walmart, 1835 E. Main St. The two had been trespassed from the property.

7:31 p.m. A woman was cited for shoplifting at Walmart, 1835 E. Main St. The woman failed to scan almost $70 worth of items while checking out and put them in her cart.

9:40 p.m. A man was cited for trespassing in a shed in the 100 block of East Main Street. He had previously been trespassed from the property.

Sunday, May 31

12:41 p.m. A man attempted to rob a woman at gunpoint at a car wash in the 20 block of South Harrison Street. Witnesses described the man, and a man matching the assailant’s description was located, but he denied any involvement. An officer requested he participate in a lineup at a future date.

Monday, June 1

10:13 a.m. An attempted break-in was reported at the Cortez Mobile Home Park, 520 E. Second St. A window was broken, and the screen was pushed open slightly, but it did not appear anyone gained entry. No items were stolen, and there were no suspects.

1:54 p.m. A woman reported damaged to her vehicle in 600 block of East Empire Street. A “Baby on Board” sticker had been scratched off her window, causing damage. The woman believed her boyfriend’s mother had caused the damage, but the mother denied any involvement.

2:08 p.m. A car was broken into and a wallet was stolen at Sleeping Ute Apartments, 516 S. Madison St. Pry marks were observed on the rear driver’s side door. Video surveillance of the incident will be reviewed when it becomes available.

2:19 p.m. A burglary was reported in the 600 block of North Elm Street. A man and woman entered a residence and took a debit card and cash. The officer was unable to locate the suspects, however the suspects returned the card and cash to the victim. The victim then stated she did not wish to press charges and wanted the case closed.

Jun 10, 2020
Police Blotter