Police Blotter

Wednesday, Sept. 2

1:38 a.m. A man allegedly attacked another man and tried to steal his backpack in the 30 block of North Elm Street but was not located.

8:51 a.m. A woman was arrested on a warrant in the 800 block of East Main Avenue.

9:38 a.m. A woman was cited on suspicion of dogs running at large in the 700 block of Stratton Drive. A neighbor said the problem was habitual.

Thursday, Sept. 3

8:47 a.m. A vehicle was reported stolen in the area of East 13th Street. A woman who had registered her vehicle received a call from another woman stating the vehicle was stolen and belonged to her. They attempted to come to an agreement, but the vehicle went missing. The original owner denied taking the car.

11:21 a.m. A cell phone was reported stolen in the Walmart parking lot, 1835 E. Main St. Surveillance video did not show who picked it up. The phone was tracked to Utah.

1:41 p.m. A man was arrested on suspicion of a liquor law violation at Veterans Park, 830 E. Main St. Officers observed the man attempting to hide an open bottle of liquor. A search revealed a pocket knife in the suspect’s back pocket, which was suspected to be related to a domestic violence case from the previous night.

2:29 p.m. Damage to a vehicle was reported in the 20 block of West Seventh Street. The damage appeared to be from a pellet gun and was similar to other incidents in the area. There were no suspects.

2:49 p.m. A woman crashed her vehicle into a fence in the 1300 block of East Main Street. She said her vision went blurry and she did not see the fence. No citations were issued.

3:42 p.m. A man was arrested on two felony warrants and two misdemeanor warrants in the 2600 block of East Main Street. He originally refused to exit his room, but his girlfriend persuaded him to come out, and he was taken in to custody.

7:06 p.m. A man was cited on suspicion of shoplifting at Walmart, 1835 E. Main St. An employee said the man put unscanned items in his cart.

7:19 p.m. A counterfeit bill was reported in the 2000 block of East Main Street. A man who attempted to pay for gasoline with the bill said he had received the bill as change after making a purchase. The bill will be sent to the U.S. Secret Service.

Friday, Sept. 4

6:45 a.m. A man was cited on suspicion of trespassing in the 100 block of South Sligo Street. He had been previously trespassed from the property.

10:37 a.m. A handgun was reported stolen in the 800 block of Lau Lane. The gun was kept under a bed and was last seen on May 22. There were no suspects.

12:57 p.m. A protection order violation was reported in the 800 block of North Park Street. A woman with a protection order prohibiting her from contacting her children without supervision made an unsupervised call to her son. The woman’s parole officer observed the call. A warrant was requested.

5:50 p.m. A man was arrested on seven warrants for failure to appear and was cited on suspicion of violating bond conditions and violating a protection order in the 500 block of North Mildred Road. The man appeared to be intoxicated, a bond violation.

7:52 p.m. A man was arrested on a felony warrant in the 600 block of South Chestnut Street.

Saturday, Sept. 5

8:32 a.m. Multiple vehicles were damaged in the areas of East Fourth Street, East Second Street and South Elm Street. Profanities and other shapes were scratched into the vehicles. Video surveillance showed a male suspect.

1:50 p.m. A male inmate was served a warrant for assault at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

2:39 p.m. A woman was cited on suspicion shoplifting and trespassed from Walmart, 1835 E. Main St. An employee said the woman put on a shirt, remove the tag and walk past the cash registers with several other items.

Sunday, Sept. 6

12:18 p.m. A hit-and-run crash was reported in the 400 block of State Street. A white SUV backed into another car, then allegedly fled the scene.

4:37 p.m. A man was cited on suspicion of trespassing and shoplifting and was arrested on an active warrant for failure to appear at Walmart, 1835 E. Main St. The man allegedly took a sandwich and fruit. He had been previously trespassed from the property.

7:43 p.m. A man was cited on suspicion of DUI, DUI per se, careless driving, open container and underage drinking in the 500 block of East Main Street. An officer observed the driver speeding and pulled him over. A breath test indicated an illegal level, and an open container of alcohol was found in the car.

Tuesday, Sept. 8

3 p.m. Property damage was reported in the 400 block of West Main Street. Two vehicles at a car dealership had an unknown brown substance smeared and thrown on the hoods and windshields. There were no suspects.

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