Police Blotter

Tuesday, Nov. 12

12:03 A.M. An officer took a report about a car that was rear-ended in the initial block of North Elm Street. The car had stopped to let a pedestrian cross the street, and it was hit from behind.

12:55 a.m. An officer was in the 700 block of North Mildred Road when he witnessed a crash at a four-way stop. A vehicle failed to stop, then and hit a vehicle. A driver was cited for failing to stop at a stop sign.

4:37 p.m. An officer issued an active warrant to a male inmate at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

6:02 p.m. An officer was dispatched to a bicycle-vehicle crash in the initial block of Washington Street. The cyclist suffered injuries to his liver and was taken to Southwest Memorial Hospital. The cyclist was cited for traveling in the wrong direction and for riding on the sidewalk.

6:14 p.m. An officer was dispatched to the Ute Mountain Motel, 531 S. Broadway, to issue an active warrant to a man. The man was arrested and left in custody of the Montezuma County Detention Center.

7:27 p.m. An officer was dispatched to Tire Max, 126 E. Main St., about property damage. The window of a 2000 Cadillac Escalade had being smashed. The officer filed a report.

8:57 p.m. An officer served an active warrant to a male inmate at the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Wednesday, Nov. 13

9:07 a.m. An officer was dispatched to Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., to issue active warrants to two women. Both women were arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

10:19 a.m. An officer was dispatched to the Cortez Public Library, 202 N. Park St., about a drunken driver. The driver of the suspect vehicle appeared intoxicated, with blood shot eyes and the smell of alcohol on his breath. The man was uncooperative with officers. He was unsteady on his feet and declined to perform roadside sobriety tests or to take a breath analysis. The man was arrested on suspicion of driving a vehicle under the influence, driving a vehicle with a canceled or denied license and violating terms of a bond. The man was also served an outstanding warrant and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

1:31 p.m. An officer was called to the 500 block of South Linden Street about a disturbance. A woman said a man, with whom she had just broken up, freaked out and broke her television. The man said he was involved in an argument with the woman and had a hammer in his hand and accidentally hit the TV. He said he was willing to replace the TV. The officer did not arrest the man because he said the incident was an accident and the woman didn’t see the man break the TV. The officer advised the woman to seek a restraining order against the man if she did not want him to contact her.

4:12 p.m. An officer was dispatched to the Tomahawk Motel, 728 S. Broadway, to issue an active warrant to a man. The man was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

4:52 p.m. An officer was dispatched to the initial block of West Driscoll Street to take a report about an old theft. A woman stated that three weeks ago, while she was in detox in Durango, someone broke into her house and stole a $100 bill, some $20 and $10 bills and two prescriptions from her purse. The woman appeared intoxicated and later said it was two $100 bills that were stolen from her purse. The officer asked if she had been drinking, and the woman said, “no.” The officer advised the woman to seek medical attention if she had not been drinking, and he filed a report about the reported theft.

Thursday, Nov. 14

10:32 a.m. An officer filed a report about a minor traffic accident in the initial block of Main Street.

12:40 p.m. An officer was called to the parking lot of Walmart, 1835 E. Main St., about a possible stolen vehicle out of Shiprock. The officer made contact with the vehicle, which was driven by the daughter of the owner. The woman, who appeared intoxicated, said she took the car without permission. The woman failed several roadside sobriety tests. The woman sat down and rolled into the fetal position. She was transported to Southwest Memorial Hospital. After being medically cleared, she was arrested on suspicion of driving a vehicle under the influence. She was issued a breath analysis at the Montezuma County Detention Center that showed a blood-alcohol level of 0.240. She was left in custody of the jail.

Friday, Nov. 15

11:24 a.m. An officer issued an active warrant to a man at Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St. The man was arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

4:26 p.m. An officer was dispatched to McDonald’s about a report of an assault. A mother called to report her son had been assaulted by his girlfriend. The son, who had a bite mark on his right shoulder, a black eye, a bump on his head, and a cut hand did not want to pursue charges. However, the mother did, and the mother expressed concerns for the mental health of his son’s girlfriend. The son said the injuries were “nothing but accidents.” The mother said her son is afraid to leave his girlfriend because she has threatened to kill herself if he does. The officer was pursuing a warrant against the girlfriend with the district attorney’s office.

6:04 p.m. An officer was dispatched to the 700 block of S. Broadway to issue an active warrant to a man. The man was arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

Saturday, Nov. 16

1:32 a.m. An officer observed a vehicle that was failing to stay in its lane and appeared to be speeding in the initial block of West Main Street. The man failed roadside sobriety tests, and he was arrested on suspicion of driving a vehicle under the influence. He was also issued a summons for weaving, speeding and having an open container of alcohol. He was issued a breath analysis that showed a blood-alcohol content of 0.220. The man was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

1:49 p.m. An officer was called to Walmart, 1835 E. Main St., about a car crash in the parking lot. A woman involved in the crash had two active warrants. She was arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

3:23 p.m. An officer was called to the Family Dollar, 324 S. Broadway, about a suspected theft by an employee. A manager of the store provided the officer with a signed confession from the female employee admitting to theft of several items over several weeks. The deputy contacted the suspect who admitted to stealing from Family Dollar. The woman was issued a summons for theft of a total of $425.

Sunday, Nov. 17

4:36 p.m. An officer was called to the initial block of South Harrison Street about a man who was unconscious and appeared to be intoxicated. The man had three active warrants and was in violation of a protection order banning him from consuming alcohol. The man was transported to Southwest Memorial Hospital for medical treatment. After being medically cleared, he was arrested for violation of a protection order, violation of bond conditions and for alcohol consumption. The man was issued a breath analysis at the Montezuma County Detention Center that showed a blood-alcohol content of 0.4. The man was left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

Monday, Nov. 18

11:14 p.m. An officer was dispatched to Walmart, 1835 E. Main St., about a report of a shoplifting. A suspect was arrested after a short pursuit. The man was issued a summons for shoplifting and issued a no-trespass notice for Walmart.

Tuesday, Nov. 19

2:09 p.m. An officer was dispatched to Montezuma County Courts to issue an active warrant to a man. The man was arrested and left in custody of Montezuma County Detention Center.

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