Police Blotter

Saturday, Dec. 8

1:16 p.m.: The driver of a 2006 Ford Expedition and the driver of a 2016 Toyota Rav 4 backed out of parking spaces simultaneously at City Market, at 508 E. Main St., and collided. One driver was cited for driving without insurance. Neither was cited for the collision, since neither driver saw the other driver backing out.

1:23 p.m.: A driver backed out of a private driveway on the 400 block of W. Main St. and collided with a vehicle stopped at a red light.

Monday, Dec. 9

12;02 a.m.: The driver of a white Cadillac Escalade allegedly made several lane changes without signaling. An officer pulled the vehicle over and found the driver was a habitual traffic offender. The driver was transported to Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., and cited for failure to use a turn signal, driving with a defective brake lamp and driving without a license.

10:09 p.m.: An officer initiated a traffic stop after observing a vehicle accelerate aggressively from a stop on the 1000 block of E. Main St. A can of Modelo beer was visible in the front passenger seat. An officer asked the male driver if he would do roadside sobriety tests to which the driver responded he did not want to be late for work. An officer then volunteered to contact the man’s employer, and the driver performed the sobriety tests. He failed the tests and blew 0.132 BAC. He was issued a summons for DUI and his father picked him up from the police station.

Tuesday, Dec. 10

9:33 a.m.: A vehicle was stopped at a stop at the intersection of N. Washington St. and E. Montezuma Ave. and then proceeded through the intersection. The vehicle struck a westbound vehicle on Montezuma Ave. Both vehicles were not able to drive.

1:39 p.m.: A man in custody at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., was served a felony arrest warrant.

5:35 p.m.: An officer observed two men who appeared ready to fight by the bathrooms at City Park, at 20 N. Park St. As the officer approached, one of the men began to run away. The man who didn’t run told the officer the other man ran because he has a warrant. The officer contacted that man and arrested him for violating a protection order, which states he cannot consume alcohol.

Wednesday, Dec. 11

9:53 a.m.: A woman was served a warrant at a residence on the 800 block of N. Mildred Road. The woman had an IV in her arm for blood transfusions over the next six weeks. She was not handcuffed due to the IV, but was transported to the Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

12:00 p.m.: A woman at Centennial Park, 800 E. Montezuma Ave., was arrested for violating a protection order stating she cannot consume alcohol.

2:53 p.m.: A man called to report a hit-and-run on his red Chevrolet pickup on the 100 block of W. First St. He stated his car was parked throughout the morning and afternoon and when he returned there was damage to the rear bumper and tailgate. There were no suspects.

6:37 p.m.: An intoxicated man at City Market, at 508 E. Main St., was arrested for violating bail conditions stating he cannot consume alcohol.

8:27 p.m.: A man driving a small tan sedan was pulled over for a defective brake light on the 100 block of E. Fifth St. He was arrested for driving without a license and driving with a defective brake light.

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