Police Blotter

Wednesday, Nov. 28

9:46 a.m.: A woman at Montezuma County Combined Courts, 865 N. Park St., was served a warrant for failure to appear and was transported to Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

12:08 p.m.: A vehicle backed into a parked vehicle on the 200 block of N. Dolores Road.

2:17 p.m.: A patrol officer observed a man he recognized in the passenger seat of a gold Mercury on the 200 block of N. Park St. A check with dispatch confirmed he had a warrant for his arrest. He was taken to Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

4:13 p.m.: A female inmate at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., was served a warrant for failure to comply.

5:25 p.m.: A male inmate at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St., was served a warrant for failure to appear.

8:39 p.m.: A man walking down the 10 block of N. Mildred Road was arrested on a warrant. While in a patrol vehicle, he was sweating and trying not to throw up. His body temperature exceeded 100 degrees, so he was taken to Southwest Memorial Hospital before taken to Montezuma County Detention Center.

9:06 p.m.: A man turned himself in at the bond window at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Drisoll St. He had an active warrant for assault.

Thursday, Nov. 29

3:07 p.m.: A woman was cited for dog running at large on the 300 block of E. Third St.

11:14 p.m.: A man with an active warrant turned himself in at Montezuma County Detention Center, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Friday, Nov. 30

11:21 a.m.: A woman punched another woman above the right eye several times near the duck pond at Centennial Park, 515 N. Mildred St. The assailant was arrested for third-degree assault and violating a protection order. The victim said she was sitting on a bench under a gazebo when an acquaintance began punching her. She said they had been having problems since the day before.

Friday, Nov. 30

6:54 p.m.: A woman who reportedly was driving a blue sedan on the wrong side of the road on the 700 block of W. Fifth St. and did not have a valid license was arrested on a warrant and taken to the Montezuma County Detention Center.

11:42 p.m.: A man driving a pickup was arrested for DUI, violating a protection order and bond conditions, obstructing government operation, driving on a suspected license, careless driving and expired license plates. An officer observed the driver of the pickup cut off another pickup and turn into the Super Splash Car Wash, 1650 E. Main St. The officer pulled into the car wash and observed the driver and passenger exit the vehicle. The officer told the driver to get back in the vehicle, but he refused. The driver is a convicted felon known to carry firearms. He yelled at officers before he was taken to Montezuma County Detention Center.

Saturday, Dec. 1

1:57 a.m.: A woman driving a black Pontiac was stopped for weaving on the 8000 block of U.S. Highway 160 and arrested on a warrant and for driving on a suspended license.

12:01 p.m.: An officer responded to a report of a man and woman pushing each other into the street on the 10 block of N. Park St. The woman said they were playing. The man was cited for possessing an open container.

6:38 p.m.: A woman attempted to exit Walmart, 1835 E. Main St., without paying for $815.70 in merchandise while a friend allegedly distracted the door greeter. An employee stopped the woman, who was arrested for theft and an active warrant.

8:58 p.m.: An intoxicated man allegedly harassed customers at Dairy Queen, 1127 E. Main St., then entered Subway, at 1219 E. Main St., where an employee kicked him out. An officer located him at Taco Bell, 1300 E. Main St. He was told to leave the restaurant and stay out of the road. A short time later, the officer observed the man stumbling on the sidewalk and in the road. He was arrested for being intoxicated in the roadway.

Sunday, Dec. 2

8:06 a.m.: An employee at Walmart, 1835 E. Main St., reported that a man stole steaks and left in the back seat of a newer model Toyota pickup. An officer pulled the vehicle over on the 600 block of W. Seventh St. after the driver failed to stop at a red light. Steaks were in the back seat, but the man suspected of stealing the food had already exited the vehicle. The driver was arrested for DUI and driving on a revoked license. The driver reportedly had three prior DUI convictions.

8:24 a.m.: A man suspected of stealing steaks and beer from Walmart, 1835 E. Main, was located at McDonald’s, 1322 E. Main St. Because he was intoxicated and trespassed from Walmart and McDonald’s, he was taken to Montezuma County Detention Center and cited for shoplifting and trespassing. An officer watched video at Walmart and observed him walking from the store with a bulge in his jacket from a package of pork ribs. He then returned to the store and picked up two 12-packs of Bud Light, but put them back.

9:22 a.m.: A man and a woman were fighting at Walmart, 1835 E. Main St. The woman said she had hitchhiked from Durango and the other passengers in the vehicle stole her phone and drove away. The officer noticed she was intoxicated and found that her pretrial services conditions prohibited her from consuming alcohol. She was arrested for violating bond conditions.

12:34 p.m.: A man called to report a hit-and-run. He said a green semitrailer with a steel bumper ran off the road in the snow and hit a marquee sign at Baier Essentials, 641 S. Broadway. The truck then headed south and was seen at the Ute Mountain Casino, 3 Weminuche Drive, and the Bureau of Indian Affairs contacted the driver, who said he lost control and hit the sign. The investigation is still in progress.

Monday, Dec. 3

11:57 p.m.: An officer observed a group of people sitting just east of City Market, 508 E. Main St. The officer offered then a ride to the emergency shelter. A woman who accepted the ride was found to have an active warrant. She was taken to Montezuma County Detention Center and served a warrant for failure to appear.

Tuesday, Dec. 4

2:16 p.m.: A woman at Sleeping Ute Apartments, at 516 S. Madison St., called to report damage to her apartment door. She requested than an officer clear the apartment before she entered. There was no one in the apartment and nothing was missing. Damage to the door is estimated at $100. There were no suspects.

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