
Playing roulette with COVID-19 is too dangerous

You may have heard the term “Russian roulette.” It describes a dangerous game played with a revolver. The game proceeds as follows.

You empty the revolver barrel of all but one live bullet. Then you spin the barrel once and place the revolver against your head. Not knowing if the bullet now is positioned to fire, you pull the trigger.

With a six-shot revolver, you have a one-in-six chance of dying and a five-in-six chance of living. Such a game is supposed to show how brave you are. It shows only stupidity.

How does this game relate to the COVID-19 pandemic? Those who refuse to vaccinate are playing a dangerous game with a deadly virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans. This game is called COVID-19 Roulette.

The coronavirus can harm you in many ways. Not only does it attack your lungs, it can attack your brain, your heart, your kidneys, your liver. It attacks all of your body. If it does not kill you, it can render you crippled as a “long hauler” for months, perhaps forever.

Those who are vaccinated have overwhelming protection from such fates. They are safe. Those who are not vaccinated take a foolish chance of dying or living in pain.

Your choice is easy. Get vaccinated!

James F. Andrus
