Bridge pillars about 100 feet tall have been built for the U.S. Highway 550 realignment project and appear as monoliths east of Farmington Hill. The realignment of Highway 550 will complete the Grandview interchange by connecting to the existing bridge over U.S. Highway 160, known locally as the “Bridge to Nowhere.” The new connection will eliminate the steep, curved grade on Farmington Hill.
Jerry McBride/Durango Herald
Bridge pillars about 100 feet tall have been built for the U.S. Highway 550 realignment project and appear as monoliths east of Farmington Hill. The realignment of Highway 550 will complete the Grandview interchange by connecting to the existing bridge over U.S. Highway 160, known locally as the “Bridge to Nowhere.” The new connection will eliminate the steep, curved grade on Farmington Hill.
Jerry McBride/Durango Herald
Durango photographer Terrance Siemon said he was likely one of the last people to view the monolith placed in the backcountry of the Utah desert. The silver monolith was discovered Nov. 18 in the Utah desert, about 11 feet tall and apparently made of stainless steel, which has garnered national and international attention.
Terrance Siemon/Special to the Herald
Durango photographer Terrance Siemon said he was likely one of the last people to view the monolith placed in the backcountry of the Utah desert. The silver monolith was discovered Nov. 18 in the Utah desert, about 11 feet tall and apparently made of stainless steel, which has garnered national and international attention.
Terrance Siemon/Special to the Herald
Bridge pillars about 100 feet tall have been built for the U.S. Highway 550 realignment project and appear as monoliths east of Farmington Hill.
Jerry McBride/Durango Herald
Bridge pillars about 100 feet tall have been built for the U.S. Highway 550 realignment project and appear as monoliths east of Farmington Hill.
Jerry McBride/Durango Herald
Bridge pillars about 100 feet tall have been built for the U.S. Highway 550 realignment project and appear as monoliths east of Farmington Hill.
Jerry McBride/Durango Herald
Bridge pillars about 100 feet tall have been built for the U.S. Highway 550 realignment project and appear as monoliths east of Farmington Hill.
Jerry McBride/Durango Herald