Comet Neowise was visible about 1½ hours before sunrise Sunday morning in the northeastern sky. This photo was taken southwest of Bayfield by Howard Rowe, using a 4-second time exposure, which makes the comet appear brighter than it would appear with the naked eye. The lights below are from the town of Bayfield. In the weeks ahead, Comet Neowise will shift from an early morning object to one that is visible just after sunset in the evening.
Comet Neowise was visible about 1½ hours before sunrise Sunday morning in the northeastern sky. This photo was taken southwest of Bayfield by Howard Rowe, using a 4-second time exposure, which makes the comet appear brighter than it would appear to the naked eye. In the weeks ahead, Comet Neowise will shift from an early morning object to one that is visible just after sunset in the evening.
Comet Neowise was visible about 1½ hours before sunrise Sunday morning in the northeastern sky. This photo was taken southwest of Bayfield by Howard Rowe, using a 4-second time exposure, which makes the comet appear brighter than it would appear with the naked eye. In the weeks ahead, Comet Neowise will shift from an early morning object to one that is visible just after sunset in the evening.
Comet Neowise was visible about 1½ hours before sunrise Sunday morning in the northeastern sky. This photo was taken southwest of Bayfield by Howard Rowe, using a 4-second time exposure, which makes the comet appear brighter than it would appear with the naked eye. In the weeks ahead, Comet Neowise will shift from an early morning object to one that is visible just after sunset in the evening.
Comet Neowise as seen at 4:47 a.m. Monday near the top of Missionary Ridge. In the weeks ahead, Comet Neowise will shift from an early morning object to one that is visible just after sunset in the evening.