
Phil's World road under construction

Parking area will be improved
Mary Dishman and Josh Coffin prepare to ride at Phil's World. "If you can't go ski, you might as well come out here and ride your bike," Coffin said.

Beginning Thursday, County Road 30.1 from U.S. 160 to the Phil's World parking area will be improved. Construction will include ripping of rock outcrops with a bulldozer and importing and spreading gravel.

The road will be impassable for up to 30 minutes at time during construction. Work will be ongoing between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Officials are encouraging riders to plan trips outside those hours. Parking will be available across the highway at the Montezuma County Fairgrounds, and access to Phil's World may be difficult.

More specific details will be posted at https//

The bulldozer and operator is being donated by Weminuche Construction, and the road grader and operator is being donated by Triad Western Construction. The road base is a cost share between Southwest Colorado Cycling Association, the BLM, and Mesa Verde Country.

"It's really needed, as locals know. We also want a better first impression for people visiting the area to mountain bike Phil's World," said SCCA treasurer Kevin Barlow said.

The road, parking lot, and trailhead are on Colorado State land, which borders the BLM land where the bike trails are. The cycling club has a lease with the state that allows access, and even pays insurance.

The cycling club encourages users of the trail to help defray insurance costs by becoming a member. For more information go to