
Passover offers chance remember the Lamb

By Bill Kuik

Spring is a time of renewal. We anticipate the arrival of early blooming flowers and green fields emerging all across the Four Corners region. Springtime is also when we begin thinking about changes we would like to see in our lives.

Many people renew their homes by spring cleaning. Jewish families thoroughly clean their homes each spring in preparation for Passover, the most observed Biblical Festival in the Jewish calendar. For 3,500 years, Jewish families around the world have used the time of Passover to begin a new episode of life. Symbolically, leaven represents sin in the Bible, because it “puffs up.” All leaven is removed from the household, reminding families and individuals that sin must be rooted out from even the smallest hiding places. God sees even our “hidden” sins.

The Passover season includes three different but related celebrations on the Jewish calendar: Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of First Fruits. Passover signifies the release from the bondage of sin for all placing their faith in God. The Feast of Unleavened Bread represents partaking of a life overcoming the power of sin. The Feast of First Fruits represents several important events: the passage of Israel through the Red Sea; the anniversary of the day Noah’s Ark came to rest after the flood; Resurrection Day – the day Yeshua (Jesus’ name in Hebrew) rose from the grave.

God calls His festivals “dress rehearsals,” and in fact, after 1,500 years of preparation, Yeshua became “The Lamb of God,” accomplishing every element of these first three festivals at the exact time, in the exact way and to the last detail.

This one singularity in time has brought about the Common Era (C.E.), when all humanity has the opportunity to be reconciled to their creator.

The Passover Seder (order of evening and meal) presents the story of freedom from Egyptian slavery, Israel’s identity as a nation, and the redemption that Yeshua fulfills as the Passover Lamb. “Then came the day of Matzah (unleavened bread), on which the Passover Lamb had to be killed. Yeshua sent Peter and John, instructing them, ‘Go and prepare our Seder so we can eat” (Luke 22:7). As this Scripture states, let’s all be ready to come together for this decreed time called Pesach. At this time, pray for all to come to faith in Yeshua The-Messiah and for all to clean their house of sin, being encouraged to walking with God.

Bill Kuik is the Congregational Leader of ECBY (Etz-Chayim B’Yeshua) in Cortez. Our Messianic Passover Seder will be April 14 at 6 p.m. Call 970-562-4217; tickets must be purchased before April 7.