Panthers golfers are making strides

Plewe wins in Delta, takes third in Montrose

Slowly but surely, the Montezuma-Cortez High School golf team is rounding into form.

Competing at Devil’s Thumb Golf Club in Delta on Aug. 27, the Panthers shot a team score of 227, finishing second overall in the tournament behind Montrose.

Leading the way for the Panthers was senior Hayden Plewe, whose round of 69 was good enough to win the tournament.

“I just know (Plewe) is going to be a threat to win regionals,” said Panthers head coach Micah Rudosky. “I think he’s the best in our region as far as (Class) 4A goes.

Also enjoying a solid day at Devil’s Thumb was senior Tristan Shelby, who carded a score of 77.

Other varsity players for the Panthers included Ryan Aiken, who shot an 81, Cristoffer Rudosky, who shot an 83, and Levi Gross who shot an 84.

Shortly after concluding their round at Devil’s Thumb, the Panthers traveled to Montrose to compete at Cobble Creek Golf Club.

As a team, M-CHS shot a combined score of 242 at Cobble Creek and finished fourth overall.

Again pacing the Panthers was Plewe, whose score of 73 was good enough for third in the tournament.

Shelby shot an 81, Gross shot an 84, Cristoffer Rudosky shot an 85 and Aiken shot an 88.

According to Micah Rudosky, the Panthers high scores in Montrose were partially the result of inclement weather.

Overall, Micah Rudosky expressed satisfaction with his team’s performances.

“We had a goal to break the 230 mark and we did that (at Devil’s Thumb),” said Micah Rudosky. “We know that we’re going to need to be around that number to get through Regionals.”

Next up for the Panthers will be a tournament at Bridges Golf Club in Montrose on Sept. 2.