
‘Out of this world’: M-CHS parade takes over Montezuma Avenue

M-CHS homecoming parade 2021.
Parade was rescheduled after Wednesday shooting near Kemper Elementary School

Interstellar energy and alien garb — but down-to-earth smiles and waves.

That’s what Cortez was greeted with Saturday morning, when Montezuma-Cortez High School’s Out of This World-themed homecoming parade trickled down Montezuma Avenue.

The community banded together to celebrate their own. Firetrucks, police cars, floats, candy throwers, community members — school and otherwise — and, of course, homecoming royalty, elicited smiles and cheers from onlookers gathered to partake in the homecoming spirit.

The parade kicked off at Park Street and Montezuma Avenue, going west to the intersection of North Chestnut Street and Montezuma Avenue.

Emalie Myers and Kiernan Korthank took the reigning titles of queen and king this year. Other members of this year’s homecoming court are Zayne Clappe, Koral Jackson, Morgan Larrick, Elinore Muhonen, Noah Lederer and Avery Wright. Freshman homecoming attendees were Emily Howell and Colby McMillian, sophomore attendees Alison Freeman and Michael Owens, and junior attendees Lizabeth Likes and Dorrian Hilliard.

Originally scheduled for 5 p.m. Wednesday, the parade was canceled following police guidance when a shooting occurred at 546 E. Montezuma Ave, a house adjacent to Kemper Elementary School. Road closure on East Montezuma Avenue from Park Street to Harrison Street ensued as police investigated.

The Panthers’ homecoming game saw guest team Delta win 49-8.

Sep 18, 2021
Montezuma-Cortez hosts Delta for Homecoming game

The homecoming dance will be 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at the M-CHS Commons.

This school week, M-CHS students were encouraged to dress in a variety of themes:

  • Monday - Biker vs. Surfer
  • Tuesday - Teacher Tuesday
  • Wednesday - Space Day
  • Thursday - Age Day
  • Friday - M-CHS Spirit Day