
Our View: Snowdown: ‘Be not afraid of greatness’

One of Shakespeare’s enduring quotes, “Be not afraid of greatness,” is a fine setting of expectations for all that Snowdown has to offer this year. The Bard’s vast body of work will offer much to mine in the days ahead. We look forward to all of it.

As we celebrate together in venues around town, we’d like to point out how much Snowdown has stayed true to its local roots. Sure, Snowdown lovers from other locales who make the trek to Durango are very welcome. But take a look at other nearby festivals – FibArk in Salida and Telluride Bluegrass Festival, for example – that have almost grown too big for their britches. Locals there even leave town those festival weekends, it’s so crowded with tourists after being “discovered” by outside revelers.

Of course, Shakespeare would say (he actually did say), “What’s done can’t be undone.”

Thankfully, there’s enough for everyone at Snowdown and we can all spread out.

Again, on the local front, of note is the Follies with cast members’ years of participation brought to audience members’ attention. A hometown source of pride. (And maybe endurance.)

We look forward to all of the fun, spectacle and creativity. More closely, as Shakespeare said, we wait with “bated breath.”