Our view: 2024 in Letters

Letters from Montezuma County residents in 2024 covered a wide range of topics, unsurprising in this diverse county.

Thoughts about the election, well, we’ll hold that for last.

The use of Narraguinnep beach ought to be able to continue, said one writer. From another, a suggestion that the mysterious drones on the East Coast are actually Santa’s elves working hard.

We’ll miss “Once Upon a Sandwich,” said multiple signatories, “where everyone knows your name.” And, the closing of the Four Corners Free Press was bemoaned.

The California Condor shouldn’t have been shot, wrote one. And, that there’s something unknown about the closing of the Hesperus Ski Area.

Another said that big box stores ought to have a whipping post where “smacks” could be administered to lawbreakers, delivering “swift and sure” punishment. Water meters are inaccurate and rates are too expensive, says one, so are airfares on Denver Air Connect, said another.

The “hand-crocheted” banner urging pro-choice is offensive to pro-life Catholics and should come down. The right to abortion should be in the state Constitution, said another. Be sure to have a will, wrote yet another, otherwise you’ll learn “how poorly death and money mix.”

Montezuma County is “overbooked” and shouldn’t be attracting newcomers, with limited housing, and adequate supporting jobs. Support the Montezuma Land Conservancy to protect “the best of rural character.”

For recreational opportunities, the Dolores River Canyon should be permanently protected. “Don’t sideline God” said one, while another wrote that God is above politics and shouldn’t be praised or faulted for what occurs.

It’s not climate change, it’s the normal variability of weather events, one wrote. Support state legislation that will protect wetlands from being polluted by development, said another. Why is there no hot water at the city pool?, asked one, and now the pool is closed. The Montezuma-Cortez High School choir is excellent, said another.

Term limits are needed to end political corruption, it’s one side that refuses to acknowledge facts, and that there’s a need for a leader “who sits and listens and ... finds common ground,” from three different writers. Rely on “a trusted source of factual information about candidates and issues, then vote,” came from one.

Law enforcement should be the top priority for county government, with the sheriff’s office properly funded, said two. Good choice for a sales tax to support the schools, said another.

Two veterans wrote they wouldn’t vote for Donald Trump because he has disparaged veterans, while another writer said that claim was a liberal/leftist inaccuracy. Vote on Nov. 5 “to defeat the devil,” was also urged.

“Democracy thrives when political power shifts,” said one, as long as elections are free and valid corrections will result. Ban assault rifles, not books, and no to the expanded permit request by Independent Log Co.

Those and more came from Journal readers in Montezuma County. Let’s see what 2025 brings. Thanks for using the Journal to express your feelings and opinions. Keep the letters coming. Life is all about variety, and your contributions.