‘Our downtown, our money, our identity’

Obviously, the city is determined to take a “Next Step” with downtown Durango. This is supposed to make Main Avenue more pedestrian friendly, but who determined that pedestrians feel the sidewalks are unfriendly?

Business owners on Main Avenue are the ones to hear complaints from customers. But they, as a group, are opposed to the city’s planned changes. These merchants are the heart and soul of downtown, and their businesses are their livelihoods.

They are the ones who know what works and what doesn’t.

According to The Durango Herald, Devin King, multimodal manager, said “business owners gained a stronger understanding of the project.” But understanding doesn’t equal support. Perhaps it means increased opposition.

Everyone would agree that downtown needs the replacement of aging utilities and accessibility is critical. But narrower traffic lanes, curb extensions and wider sidewalks are excessive and costly. These design changes do not need to go hand in hand with utility and accessibility upgrades.

If pedestrian safety is the issue, the “Next Step” should be to change the traffic lights to “red” in all directions and allow pedestrians to cross both directions at the same time. Simple, inexpensive and effective.

A focus group of nine handpicked members of the community will give input on the design. Hopefully, City Council will pursue a vote of the people. After all, this is our downtown, our money, our identity.

It’s time to get involved. Tell Council what you think about changing the character of our town forever.

Barb Bell
