
Older New Mexicans can now get out of jury duty more easily

SANTA FE – A new state law will make it easier for older residents in New Mexico to permanently excuse themselves from jury service.

The law applies to state residents age 75 or older who have been summoned to jury duty.

They no longer will be required to submit a sworn, notarized statement if they want to be excused from jury service.

Starting June 18 when the new law takes effect, those qualifying New Mexicans can request an excusal online through the state court system’s jury website.

Another option is to call the local court for more information.

According to Census Bureau population estimates, 7% of New Mexicans are 75 or older. That’s about 153,000 residents.

A statewide computer system used by courts for jury management since 2017 can automatically verify a person’s date of birth.

The computer database is updated twice annually from income tax, voter registration and driving records.