
OK ‘new oil, gas leases on federal lands’

With the holidays coming up, many Coloradans are trying to budget for everything from seasonal decorations to elaborate dinners to gasoline for long car trips. With smart energy policies we can help ensure that fuel prices don’t put a damper on this holiday season or those to come, as reported in The Durango Herald and The Journal on Nov. 16, “Gas prices drop in Southwest Colorado. What does this mean for the holidays?”

With growing global uncertainty, it is important that America prioritizes energy security and reliability, especially going into winter. U.S. energy producers can help secure our energy future, but it requires supportive energy policies.

Just this year the administration has raised fees for oil and natural gas development, canceled planned lease sales and released an offshore leasing proposal with the fewest lease sales in the federal program’s 43-year history. Taken together, these efforts – and unfortunately, many more –could result in increased reliance on foreign energy.

It is important to enact policies that ensure long-term energy security and resilience. This includes allowing new oil and natural gas leases on federal lands and passing permitting reform to help kick-start new infrastructure projects.

Hopefully, the administration will recognize this soon and choose a course that includes all forms of American energy.

Kait Schwartz
