The Journal has picked Don Coram to challenge the Democratic candidate. I disagree. I have emailed Coram and talked to him on the phone during the lockdown. He is a middle-of-the-road, don't-ruffle-any-feathers, don't-stick-your-neck-out kind of guy. Coram's "go along and get along" status quo isn't working. While you may not like all the feathers that Boebert ruffles and the way she ruffles them, but she ruffles feathers for our freedoms. Coram could turn against the Constitution depending on which way the wind blows. Boebert will hang tight.
Most people have no thoughts of any kind about Coram. That is because he hasn't really done anything and is not a force. Coram wants to "work together" with the Democrats. That has been proven not to work and is an admitted weakness on his part. Boebert is a force and everyone has heard of her, unless you live in a bubble. You may have a multitude of thoughts about her, but she has proven to be on the side of the conservatives.
I am voting for Boebert because I have had enough of the liberal progressives, crime, illegal border crossings and lack of any punishment for the "elite." We need to take this country back and it will not be easy, but we need to re-elect Boebert and continue our fight. Now is not the time for the timid. Now is the time for boldness and Boebert.
David McCuskey
Dove Creek