No to Independent Log Co. Conditional Use Permit

We are strongly opposed to the granting of a Conditional Use Permit for the 10-acre parcel owned by the Independent Log Co. on the property at 1050 Lebanon Road in Cortez. The proposed ILC plan, which includes log home manufacturing and firewood storage/cutting activities, is essentially identical to the rezoning proposal from 2023 that was not recommended by the Cortez Planning and Zoning Commission and was unanimously rejected by Cortez City Council.

The manufacturing activities will adversely affect residents who live directly southeast of the ILC property with excessive noise, traffic congestion, increased fire danger, and the decline of property values. In addition, these impacts will degrade both the natural environment and the experience of people utilizing the Carpenter Nature Area.

The proposed 2024 CUP represents a repackaging of the failed 2023 rezoning attempt for this property. Issuance of a CUP that allows the applicants to operate in an industrial capacity in a commercial zone is a proverbial “wolf in sheep’s clothing” and sets a dangerous precedent for future land use within the city limits. We urge the Cortez Planning and Zoning commission and City Council to vote against the proposed ILC CUP to maintain the integrity of the zoning regulation process.

Paul Stirniman and Deb Silverman
