No need for ‘continuation of problems’

No one, and certainly not the media, even discusses other presidential possibilities. No doubt because of the false premise that there are only two parties and other options are unacceptable, despite the fact that a multiparty system operates very successfully in many other countries, giving options to represent more than only two points of view.

Those who watched “The Real Debate,” which CNN actually allowed, saw another choice. Go ahead and inform yourselves by watching all three candidates and choose carefully, knowing that our fate over the next four years and beyond doesn’t need to be a continuation of the problems of the past or what has been forecast by the pundits.

Nor should we be detracted by the widespread disinformation from so many sources with their own agendas.

We do not need to be subject to any biased, current desire to keep us dis/un/misinformed.

Make your own choices. But only after searching for the truth and deciding what kind of future you want for yourselves, your families, friends, for this country and the world.

Katherine R. Bitner
