No, Donald, Democrats Don’t Hate America

I read where Donald Trump is mad that flags will still be at half-staff honoring Jimmy Carter during his inauguration and blames the Democrats. He said Democrats hate America.

Donald, I am a Democrat and I love America. Donald, America sent me to fight in Vietnam and I went to answer the call. I got cancer from Agent Orange because of it, but the VA takes good care of me.

You, Donald, had your father buy you out of the military and going to Vietnam. Donald, no Democrat ever claimed falsely that the election was “stolen.” No Democrat ever led a insurrection. No Democrat ever had all billionaires in their Cabinet, but a cross section of what America looks like.

No, Donald, Democrats do not hate America, but you and your minions do. You are going to try to destroy our democracy and freedom, but Donald, we Democrats will not let you or your cronies do that.

Larry Berger
