
‘Next Step’ would take away more downtown parking

Durango is one of the few small towns in Western America that still has a functioning, vital Main (street) Avenue. The addition of trees and new light posts enhanced it in the 1980s. However, the proposed Next Step plan for Main Avenue goes too far.

The biggest challenge facing downtown Durango is the lack of parking. Next Step would take away parking spots. The city would do better by using their money to build a multi-storied parking building at the Transit Center between Seventh Street and Eighth Street.

Main Avenue has already been narrowed too much for vehicles and deliveries. The sidewalks are compromised by pop-outs. No further changes are needed. It has been functioning in this format for years!

Next Step would block shops and businesses with construction during the busy tourist season. It will only frustrate our visitors and drive locals away.

Do not even do the temporary fixes this summer of extending curbs at the corners. Create better parking downtown at the Transit Center and encourage people to walk to downtown.

We do not need to look like Main Street at Disneyland. Let’s keep it real. Let’s keep it just as it’s been designated, a Historic District.

Linda Mannix
