
New ‘wayfinding signs’ go up in Mancos

Local agencies hope to draw visitors into business district, showcase community assets

Mancos has some new guiding signs in town.

It’s a project that has been four years in the making, and has been a collaboration between the Mancos Creative District, town of Mancos, and Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center, said Anne Beach, executive director of the Creative District. Project leaders hope that the signs will help guide visitors toward landmark sites in town.

“The hope is that people will spend a little more time in Mancos when they know how much there is to see and do,” Beach said.

The cost of the signs and installations was divided among agencies, with $10,000 of funding provided by the Colorado Creative Industries, $5,000 from the town of Mancos and about $2,000 from the Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center.

In addition to helping fund the project, town staff found the general contractor and solicited the bid for installation, completed and submitted the utility permit to the Colorado Department of Transportation, and worked with the contractor to confirm locations and necessary equipment.

“The signs will be a huge benefit to the town for visitors and citizens alike,” said Town Administrator Heather Alvarez. “Mancos continues to grow and expand as a community, and these are a beautiful addition that also directs visitors to our local amenities and businesses.”

Eight signs have been installed at strategic locations around and in Mancos, from the outskirts of town along U.S. Highway 160 to the downtown gallery row.

“These signs will be helpful because they will draw travelers off the highway into our business district and highlight the assets of our community,” said Maggie Goodell, executive director of the Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center.