
New Mexico departments of health, environment issue smoke alert

The New Mexico departments of health and environment issued a smoke alert because of smoke from the Telegraph and Mescal rires east of Phoenix and from residual smoke from fires in New Mexico.

Impacts will be over portions of northwestern and central New Mexico this week, with smoke expected to be more pronounced overnight. Potentially affected communities include Gallup, Farmington, Navajo Nation, the Pueblo of Zuni and surrounding communities.

Close windows at night and turn off swamp coolers to protect those with pre-existing respiratory conditions such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, interstitial lung disease, lung cancer, heart disease, adults over age 65, young children and pregnant women, if smoke concentrations become unhealthy.

Smoke from wildfires may cause people to have more severe reactions if they have COVID-19. The best way to protect against the potentially harmful effects of wildfire smoke is to stay home and create a clean indoor air space.

For more information on indoor air quality tips, visit