
Mud volleyball players welcome rain

Hanna Carver spikes the ball during mud volleyball at the Montezuma County Fair on Friday.

The downpour on Friday afternoon didn't dampen spirits much at the Montezuma County Fair. In fact, for the five teams playing mud volleyball, it added an extra splash of fun.

Spectators backed their trucks up around the Round Horse Arena to watch the event, which was organized by the Round-Up 4H club and the Alpaca 4H. Young kids started mud fights and stomped through the puddles while they waited for the games to begin. The teams showed up ready to bump, set and spike, in matching T-shirts. One team wore white fringed shirts with tie-dye colors splattered across them, and one team had their names written in puff paint across their backs. By the end of the games however, all of them left with big smiles and dressed in one color: mud brown.

"Knee Deep," a team composed of seven friends in matching pink tie-dye shirts, had a great time playing. "If mud is involved, it makes everything that much more fun," said team member Kailee Buffington. Nanabah Sam agreed. "It was cold, but it was way worth it," she said.

"Knee Deep" won overall, making them this year's Hog Slop champions. "I had a blast," said Rainah Oveson. Up to her ankles in mud, teammate Abby Jones had fun too. "I had such a great time playing with some of my amazing friends," she said. "The mud and the rain were just a big plus".