Mountain lion on Durango river trail relocated

This juvenile mountain lion was observed next to the Animas River Trail in late June. Officers with Colorado Parks and Wildlife tranquilized the animal and relocated it to an area away from people. (Courtesy Colorado Parks and Wildlife)

A juvenile mountain lion was seen sitting along the Animas River trail in Durango in late June.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife officers were able to safely tranquilize the animal and relocate it to a more remote area away from humans.

A mountain lion was relocated from the Animas River Trail this summer. (Courtesy Colorado Parks and Wildlife)

CPW is promoting an education video series about mountains lions on its YouTube page. In Colorado, population estimates range from 3,000 to 7,000 lions.

In 2020, the CPW approved the West Slope Mountain Lion Management Plan. This plan revises and consolidates 13 older lion management plans that cover the western part of Colorado into one overarching plan that manages lions at a larger scale.

This juvenile mountain lion was safely relocated to a more remote area after it was found sitting along the Animas River Trail in Durango. (Courtesy Colorado Parks and Wildlife)