
Mountain Film coming on April 22

Outdoor gear will be auctioned at fundraiser for Greater Dolores Action
Outdoor gear will be auctioned at fundraiser for Greater Dolores Action

The Telluride Mountain Film on tour will show at the Dolores Community Center on Friday, April 22.

Doors open at 6 p.m., and the cost is $10. The event is a fundraiser for Greater Dolores Action to put on its famous Dolores River Festival on June 11 featuring local and national bands.

At the film festival Friday, many adventure and conservation film shorts will be shown. Some of the films will focus on surfing in Iceland, female skiers, biking, urban kayaking, rafting the Grand Canyon and taking wild mustangs from Canada to Mexico.

“There will be films to tug at the heart strings, make you laugh out loud, keep you on the edge of your seat, inspire and take you on journeys through our world,” said promoter Ryan Robison.

In the past years, Greater Dolores Action has been involved with major river enhancement and clean up projects. It also helps clean up highways and maintain the Slick Rock gauge on the Lower Dolores River as well as participate on other community events and projects. This year, the GDA will use a portion of the proceeds from the Dolores River Festival to help with the new McPhee Overlook Trail.

There is a silent auction, and there will be food and beverages. There will be lots of outdoor gear such as boats, packs and bags, jackets and art. Also at the auction are gift certificates for Dunton Hot Springs, Durango packages, Telluride packages, and much more!

The event is being catered by the Ponderosa Restaurant, and Doc’s Marina and Outdoor Sports also is a sponsor.