
Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project offers tree-a-grams for Mother’s Day

The Journal

Montezuma Orchard Restoration Project is offering tree-a-grams for Mother’s Day.

MORP board members have volunteered to deliver a heritage apple tree to moms along with a greeting card featuring the Montezuma Valley Fruits logo and a personalized message.

Tree-a-grams cost $100. Planting instructions are included. Pay at the donate button at MORPs website at Current MORP members receive $10 off. Customers may also become a member or renew when ordering.

Send an email to with delivery directions along with a personalized message to be included in the card. MORP will deliver to locations in La Plata and Montezuma counties. Place orders on or before 3 p.m. May 8 for delivery on Mother’s Day.

By default, MORP will choose a Claygate Pearmain while supplies last. Email with instructions to substitute the variety and/or add more trees. Additional trees are $60 each or $50 each for members.

At delivery, MORP volunteers will wear face masks and knock or ring the bell. They will leave the tree(s) at the door to maintain social distancing. Include special delivery instructions when ordering.