
Montezuma County sheriff rescinds controversial order limiting arrests

The Montezuma County Sheriff’s Office has rescinded an order that limited new inmates into the county jail because of a COVID-19 outbreak. (Journal file)
COVID outbreak at jail subsides, Sheriff Steve Nowlin says

Montezuma County Sheriff Steve Nowlin reports the COVID-19 outbreak at the jail has subsided and an order limiting arrests of new inmates has been rescinded.

“Arrests will be accepted into the Montezuma County Detention Center again as the COVID-19 outbreak appears to be reduced as an immediate health hazard caused by the virus,” effective Nov. 1, Nowlin stated in a letter to area law enforcement agencies and detention staff.

In an interview, Nowlin said when arrestees enter the facility upon booking, they will be tested for COVID-19 and quarantined in a holding cell until the results are returned in 24 hours.

If the test is positive, the inmate will remain in a quarantine holding cell. If negative, they will be housed with the general jail population.

The detention center has seven holding cells separate from the rest of the inmate population.

If the seven holding cells are full, the sheriff has arranged to use the four holding cells at the Montezuma County Combined Courts to hold inmates if required because of positive cases.

Deputies or a Cortez police officer will be required to stand watch over the inmate, Nowlin said.

On Oct. 13, the jail reported an outbreak of 14 positive COVID-19 cases, then it doubled to 28 confirmed cases on Oct. 20, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.

A modified bond order by Chief Judge Doug Walker that limits jail inmates because of the pandemic health crisis remains in effect.

Walker’s order modifies the bond schedule when the highest level of offense charged is a Class 3 misdemeanor for domestic violence.

Defendants who must be arrested by statute for a Class 3 misdemeanor of domestic violence will be arrested and transported by law enforcement to the Montezuma County Detention Center.

The defendant will then be processed at the jail but will be released on a $500 personal recognizance bond, which includes a protection order that prohibits defendant contact with the victim.

A court date for the defendant will be issued for 9 a.m. the following Wednesday.