
Montezuma County releases vaccination totals Tuesday

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis hopes to move into the next part of Phase 1B by the end of February.

Through a variety of providers, Montezuma County has managed to give 1,952 people their first dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

Of those, 339 have completed their vaccination with a second dose, according to county public information officer Vicki Shaffer.

The state and Montezuma County are steadily working their way down the Phase 1 distribution list established by the Colorado Department of Public Health. Vaccinations are being administered to those who fall under the first level of Phase 1B, particularly people age 70 and above.

After the 70-and-older vaccinations are complete, health workers will move on to the second level of Phase 1B vaccinations. That group includes workers in education, food and agriculture, manufacturing, U.S. Postal Service, public transit, public health, human services workers and service providers for the homeless. Essential officials from executive, legislative and judicial branches of state government also are in the category, along with essential frontline journalists.

A number of players are involved in the vaccination campaign. These include the Montezuma County Public Health Department, Southwest Health System, Axis Health System, City Market and Safeway.

The vaccination program for nursing homes is run mainly by the federal Pharmacy Partnership for Long-term Care Program in cooperation with drugstore chains CVS and Walgreens, which have provided the shots.

The county will be updating its vaccination totals on its website and Facebook pages every Tuesday.