
Montezuma County author writes kids mystery novel

Montezuma County author Lynette Harrell has published a new mystery novel for children.

Montezuma County author Lynette Harrell’s new book for adolescents is inspired by real-life people, places and experiences in Southwest Colorado.

“The Little Giants as the Mysterious Six in the Tangled Case of the Ghastly Chicken Yegg” tells the story of a group of five 10-year-old detectives and a case of missing chickens. At first, they don’t all get along, but they come together to solve the mystery and go through some moments of personal discovery in the process, Harrell said.

The Christian author’s first novel features themes of grace, mercy and not judging others, Harrell said. With the book, she wants kids to realize they have a purpose, she said.

“I want kids to know that they’re powerful and have a destiny not just as adults, but right now,” she said.

The book is geared to ages 8-12. It’s the first in a series, and Harrell anticipates four or five forthcoming parts. She’s already completed Book 2 and is working on publishing it, and Book 3 is in the works, she said. Harrell also does all her own illustrations for the books, she said.

“The Little Giants” stems from a story Harrell wrote as a child. She read the story to her grandchildren, and they loved it. The story evolved to become a full-length book, and Harrell’s grandchildren inspired some of the characters in the book.

“I wanted to instill a love of writing in them,” she said.

The setting of the book is a town with a river at the foot of the mountains, and is largely inspired by Mancos, where Harrell grew up.

“Authors bring out their background and heritage,” Harrell said. “You grab your childhood and put it on the page.”

In one part of the book, she describes a library that’s very similar to the Mancos Public Library. In one scene, the characters dye chickens different colors in an attempt to figure out which ones are being taken. That’s a real-life story, too, Harrell said. Her own chickens started disappearing, and she dyed them shades of green, pink and blue, which eventually repelled the hawk that had been swooping the coop, she said.

Publishing the book was challenging, but Harrell had help along the way from a few friends who had experience in the writing industry, she said.

“It’s amazing how it all happens,” she said.

The book is available on Amazon or in-person from the author. Harrell is hoping to have it available in local markets soon, she said.

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Aug 30, 2016
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