Montezuma-Cortez seeks community input on $10 million grant

Montezuma-Cortez School District RE-1 is gauging community opinion with a survey on how to spend nearly $10 million in ESSER III funds.
The Elementary and Secondary Emergency Education Relief Fund will endow the district with an estimated $9.9 million

Montezuma-Cortez School District RE-1 is conducting a survey on how to spend an estimated $9.9 million in Elementary and Secondary Emergency Education Relief funds.

The district will apply to receive the ESSER III funds in March and may use the stipend through Sept. 30, 2024.

The ESSER III funding stems from the third of a series of Congress stimulus bills passed in 2020 and 2021 to provide a combined $190.5 billion to the ESSER fund amid the pandemic.

Grant guidelines require stakeholder input.

The survey can be completed at through Feb. 13 at 12 a.m.

“Community feedback serves vital planning and preparation purposes as the district strives to meet the needs of its learning community,” a Tuesday news release said.

A series of multiple-choice and short-answer questions gauge community involvement in district programs and how families believe funds should be used to address learning loss, student mental health, health and safety needs and continuity of operations.

The survey questions are:

  • What is your role in the MCSD RE-1 community?
  • Please select three areas below that you believe are the most important priorities as the district responds to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • A minimum of 20% of ESSER III funding is required to be used to address academic learning loss. Which area below do you believe will best address this area?
  • Which grade level reflects your connection to the district?
  • Do you and/or your student participate in any of the following programs?
  • Thinking specifically about the time period most affected by the pandemic (roughly March 2020 — May 2021), what practices or innovations emerged in your, or your child’s, classroom/school that you’d like to see continue or be enhanced as we move forward?
  • Which of the following four uses of ESSER III funds are most valuable?
  • Which learning loss supports would be most valuable?
  • Which supports would be most valuable to address the social emotional impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic? Please rank choices below.
  • Please share any additional thoughts for this one-time or short-term use of the school emergency relief funds to address learning recovery and the impact of COVID-19.