Montezuma-Cortez school district hires 37 teachers

After weeks of discrepancies, Montezuma-Cortez School Superintendent Alex Carter has settled the issue, stating that the district hired 37 teachers this year.

In a written report to school board members on July 31, Carter stated the district had hired 47 teachers for the 2014-15 school year.

“Thanks and kudos to our principals and HR department for recruiting and hiring 47 new teachers to our district this year,” Carter wrote.

The Cortez Journal requested a list of the new teachers, including their school assignments, on Aug. 4. The following day, Carter told school board members at their monthly meeting that the district had hired 43 teachers.

“The market for teachers is very difficult,” Carter said.

Carter also informed the board that the district was performing a human resource audit in order to recruit and retain high-quality teachers as the result of a national teacher shortage. He said that one opening in Durango schools, for example, attracts 200 or more applicants. Openings in Montezuma-Cortez schools attract a handful, Carter said.

The Cortez Journal again asked Carter for a list of new teachers, on Aug. 6 and Aug. 21.

Three weeks after the initial media request, Carter responded on Aug. 25. His list totaled 37, including two counselors.

“Here are the 37 ‘new to the district’ teachers,” Carter wrote in his email reply. “Other spots were filled by teacher transfers of existing employees, and the community doesn’t need to be introduced to them.”

As of Monday, Aug. 25, the district was advertising to fill seven teacher positions.

New teachers

Kemper Elementary

Gloria Davis: First grade

Kristin Singleton: Fifth grade

Crystal Livingston: Second grade

Doug Hawks: Second grade

Lindsay Wilwol: First grade

Lewis Arriola Elementary

Caitlin Ramsay: Kindergarten

Manaugh Elementary

Lauren Klein: Kindergarten

Mathew Wolford: Fourth grade

Dara Topping: Second grade

Kayla Savoren: Third grade

Cameron McCord: Fifth grade

Sara Patrick: ESS

Lauren Danielsen: Second grade

Mesa Elementary

Erik Schossow: Second grade

Jennifer Styler: Fifth grade

Cortez Middle School

Tyler Hoyt: AG/SW studies

Kaylee Flynn: Science

Linda Whitehead: Language arts

Angela Gabardi: Computer/drama

Candie Rielley: Math

Shandi Williford: 6A English

Barb Chappell: Physical education

Logan Cross: 7A social studies

Andria Randall: Math

Brian Mason: 7B social studies

Angelica Jacques: Science

Caitlin Houser: 7A math

Brian Murray: ESS

Cody Dudgeon: Social studies

Ben Haun: Physical education

Montezuma-Cortez High School

Kim Allen: Language arts

Joe Konik - Language Arts

Tiffanie Lake: Math

Teaa Warriner: Spanish

Scott Story: Science