
Mesa Verde Gardeners host 15th Annual Plant Sale

Mesa Verde Gardeners prepare for the annual plant sale in this archived photo. This year, it’s 8:30-11 a.m. Saturday, May 27 at the County Building parking lot, 109 W. Main St. (Mesa Verde Gardeners)

The Mesa Verde Gardeners will hold their annual plant sale 8:30-11 a.m. Saturday, May 27 at the County Building parking lot, 109 W. Main St.

Hosted at the same location as the Cortez Farmers Markets, Mesa Verde Gardeners will be selling hundreds of vegetables and perennials, many grown by local Colorado Master Gardeners, Mesa Verde Gardeners members, local nurseries and commercial growers.

Because the Annual Plant Sale happens after the last frost date, most outdoor plants can be put immediately into the soil outside, a news release from the Dolores Chamber of Commerce said.

Plant donations from individual gardeners or organizations are welcome. Drop plants off May 27 by 8 a.m. at the sale location.

Mesa Verde Gardeners is a nonprofit organization, and the proceeds go to support community horticulture activities and continuing education for local gardeners.

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