Mesa Verde Gardeners club plans annual plant sale

The Journal

The Mesa Verde Gardeners club hosts its annual plant sale on Saturday, May 26, from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the parking lot of Front Row Seat, next to City Market, at 602 E. Main St. in Cortez.

Plants are provided by Garden Club members and local nurseries, Judith Swain said in a news release, and perennials, annuals, herbs, house plants and vegetables will be available.

“Mesa Verde Gardeners is a group of men and women dedicated to enriching the lives of the local gardening community through education and experience in all aspects of horticulture and gardening,” Swain said.

Anyone interested in plants or gardening is invited to join. Educational meetings and garden tours are planned throughout the year, and anyone interested in plants or gardening may join the club, she said.

For more information or to donate additional plants for the plant sale, call 928-606-0904.