
Mesa Verde Back Country Horsemen grateful to supporters of poker ride

Despite rain, poker ride a success

On behalf of the Mesa Verde Back Country Horsemen, thank you to all of our donors, supporters, attendees and members, for another successful poker ride! The threat of rain proved a reality, but we had fun in spite of it; in fact, we welcomed it!

Please support these businesses who were so generous to us this year: Cavallo, Main Street Brewery, Tequilas, IFA, Western Corral, Bubba's, Montana Silversmith, Easy Care, Dave Keese (wine), Handlebar Saloon, Durango Silverton RR, Ute Mountain Casino and Dolores Food Market.

A special thank-you to our MVBCH members, who volunteered their time, energy and many of the prize donations for the event. We couldn't do it without your support!

All funds raised for our nonprofit stay local, and support our mission of equestrian access to public lands. They also support our programs, such as trail work, twine recycling, scholarships to local high school students, educational events and so much more.

Join us for our monthly meetings, the second Tuesday of each month in the First National Bank meeting room to see what we're about.For more information, visit or our Facebook group.

Happy Trails!

Alan Story,

MVBCH President