
Meeting brings together towns, county and tribe in Towaoc

Local governments will hold a meeting at the Ute Mountain Casino March 16 from 7-9 p.m.
Government officials will provide updates on projects; public invited

As part of an effort to improve communication, local governments will hold a joint meeting at the Ute Mountain Casino in Towaoc March 16 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Bingo Hall.

Government staff and elected officials from Cortez, Montezuma County, the Ute Mountain Ute Tribe, Dolores and Mancos will attend. The public is invited.

The informal meeting is an opportunity for government officials to network with one another and learn about what is happening in different areas of the county, said Cortez City Manager Drew Sanders.

“It is a good way to keep informed and find ways to work together,” he said. “Meeting face to face is the best way to do business, and having that familiarity with people is the common ground that gets work done.”

Representatives from towns, the county and the tribe to discuss challenges and successes and to give updates on what is happening in their jurisdictions.

A question-and-answer session and roundtable discussion are planned. Participants may break off into smaller groups to discuss specific topics. Light refreshments will be available.

The last regional government to government meeting was Aug. 24. The goal is to have them two or three times per year.